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How do I create my own custom group in mediawiki?



I have been reading carefully through the mediawiki documentation but I have not been able to find out how to create new groups.

When I look at Special:Userrights, I see only 3 groups : Bots, Sysops, Bureaycrats

I would like to create my own custom groups, so I can use some extensions like the http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Group_Based_Access_Control.

Can someone tell me how it's done, or point me to some documentation?

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jeph perro Avatar asked Oct 20 '08 16:10

jeph perro

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2 Answers

You can add permissions for new groups to your LocalSettings.php file and they will automatically appear in the Special:UserRights page.

For example, I wanted to disallow editing by regular users but create a "Trusted" group that was allowed to edit. The following code creates a "Trusted" group that is equal to the "user" group, except that "Trusted" users can edit but "user" users cannot.

$wgGroupPermissions['Trusted'] = $wgGroupPermissions['user']; $wgGroupPermissions['user'   ]['edit']          = false; $wgGroupPermissions['Trusted']['edit']          = true; $wgGroupPermissions['sysop'  ]['edit']          = true; 

On the Special:UserRights page, I can now check the "Trusted" box to make users trusted.

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richardkmiller Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 23:09


You can alter the appearance of the group name by creating the following messages: (For a group named ninja:)

  • MediaWiki:Group-ninja (content: Ninjas)
  • MediaWiki:Group-ninja-member (content: ninja)
  • MediaWiki:Grouppage-ninja (content: Project:Ninjas)

This will insure that the group will be referred to as "Ninjas" throughout the interface, and a member will be referred to as a "ninja", and overviews will link the groupname to Project:Ninjas.

(source: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:User_rights#Examples)

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sir KitKat Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 23:09

sir KitKat