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How do I create an arbitrary instance for a recursive datatype?



I think this creates arbitrary lists of length three, but how do I create lists of arbitrary length?

import Test.QuickCheck

data List a =
  | Cons a (List a)
  deriving (Eq, Show)

instance Arbitrary a  => Arbitrary (List a) where
  arbitrary = do
    a <- arbitrary
    a' <- arbitrary
    a'' <- arbitrary
    return $ (Cons a (Cons a' (Cons a'' (Nil))))
like image 935
The Unfun Cat Avatar asked Mar 17 '16 08:03

The Unfun Cat

2 Answers

With sized. It enables you to manage the size of the generated arbitrary, although the semantics are up to the instance:

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (List a)  where
  arbitrary = sized go
    where go 0 = pure Nil
          go n = do
            xs <- go (n - 1)
            x  <- arbitrary
            return (Cons x xs)

For comparison, here is []'s arbitrary instance:

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary [a] where
  arbitrary = sized $ \n ->
    do k <- choose (0,n)
       sequence [ arbitrary | _ <- [1..k] ]
like image 167
Zeta Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 08:11


you can use oneof to pick either an empty list or recursively generate longer lists:

instance Arbitrary a  => Arbitrary (List a) where
  arbitrary = 
    oneof [nil, cons]
    where nil = return Nil
          cons = do
            h <- arbitrary
            tl <- arbitrary
            return $ Cons h tl 

here are a few tests:

λ> generate (arbitrary :: Gen (List Int))
λ> generate (arbitrary :: Gen (List Int))
Cons 4 (Cons 26 Nil)
λ> generate (arbitrary :: Gen (List Int))


as zeta pointed out this has the obvious flaw that you will generate probably very short lists:

  • p(Nil) = 0.5
  • p((_ Cons Nil) = 0.25
  • p((_ Cons _ Cons Nil) = 0.125
  • ...

as it will draw Nil with probability 0.5

Zetas solution does not have this problem!

You can get adapt these probability by using frequency instead of oneof if you like:

frequency [(1,nil), (4,cons)]

here you will have p(Nil) = 0.2 and p(Cons) = 0.8 but of course you can adapt this to your liking.

Another way is to realize that List a is isomorphic to [a] and reuse the Arbitrary instance for lists:

instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (List a) where
    arbitrary = toList <$> arbitrary

Thanks Zeta

like image 21
Random Dev Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 07:11

Random Dev