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How do I create a directory from within Emacs?

People also ask

What is the command to open a file from within Emacs?

Use Ctrl-x f to open a file from within Emacs. Create a new file in the same way as opening a file by specifying the new filename. The new file will not be saved unless specified. Save a file that is currently open by entering the Ctrl-x Ctrl-s command.

How do I change directory in Emacs?

You can type the 'cd' emacs command. ( M-x cd ) to change the default folder as a one off.

How do I copy a folder in Emacs?

Open dired for a directory containing files you want to work with. Then use C , R , or D when the cursor is on the line of a file to copy, rename/move or delete the file, respectively. This can also be done for multiple files by marking them.

  • to create the directory dir/to/create, type:

    M-x make-directory RET dir/to/create RET
  • to create directories dir/parent1/node and dir/parent2/node, type:

    M-! mkdir -p dir/parent{1,2}/node RET

    It assumes that Emacs's inferior shell is bash/zsh or other compatible shell.

  • or in a Dired mode


    It doesn't create nonexistent parent directories.


    C-x d *.py RET ; shows python source files in the CWD in `Dired` mode
    + test RET     ; create `test` directory in the CWD

    CWD stands for Current Working Directory.

  • or just create a new file with non-existing parent directories using C-x C-f and type:

    M-x make-directory RET RET

Emacs asks to create the parent directories automatically while saving a new file in recent Emacs versions. For older version, see How to make Emacs create intermediate dirs - when saving a file?

Ctrl+X D (C-x d) to open a directory in "dired" mode, then + to create a directory.

You can also run single shell commands using M-!

You're basically sending a string to the command line so you don't get any nice auto-completion but it's useful if you know how to perform an action through the command line but don't know an Emacs equivalent way.

M-! mkdir /path/to/new_dir

I guess I did it the hard way earlier today. I did:

M-x shell-command


mkdir -p topdir/subdir