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How do I correctly freeze time w/ Timecop in my spec?

I am trying to use a combination of Timecop and querying the arel where_sql to data, but I can't seem to get Timecop to actually freeze the time. I've tried Timecop.freeze and Timecop.freeze(Time.now), both of which are slightly off when using Time.now in my spec.

What am I missing? Ruby 1.9.2, Rails 3.1.0.rc5



Failure/Error: Game.unreleased.arel.where_sql.should eq("WHERE (release_date > '#{Time.now}')")

     expected "WHERE (release_date > '0000-01-01 00:00:00 -0500')"
     got "WHERE (release_date > '0000-01-01 05:00:00.000000')"


scope :unreleased, lambda { |limit = 4| where('release_date > ?', Time.now).
                                        order('release_date asc').
                                        limit(limit) }


it "should retrieve games with a release date later than today" do
  Game.unreleased.arel.where_sql.should eq("WHERE (release_date > '#{Time.now}')")
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Eric M. Avatar asked Jul 27 '11 02:07

Eric M.

People also ask

How do I freeze time in Rspec?

All specs pass, but Travis reports that one specs fails. Instead of expected: 2016-08-06T14:15:00Z it outputs 2016-08-06T12:15:00Z . The simple solution is to be one the same page; freezing time with some timezone (I chose 'Warsaw / Poland').

What does Timecop freeze do?

Note: Timecop. freeze will actually freeze time. This can cause unanticipated problems if benchmark or other timing calls are executed, which implicitly expect Time to actually move forward.

2 Answers

My usage of timecop in specs always looks like this:

Timecop.travel(Time.zone.local(2010, 6, 1, 13, 0, 0)) do
  .. time sensitive spec here ..

It's also generally good practice to use the Time.zone proxy (Time.zone.now, Time.zone.utc, Time.zone.local, etc) when dealing with time in a rails app.

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James Healy Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 13:09

James Healy

I just had a problem running Timecop with RSpec's expect syntax when I was running:

it "updates :completed_at" do
  expect(@task.completed_at).to eq(Time.zone.now)

Where the times weren't matching. To solve, I put Timecop.freeze in a before clause.

(I realize this question is older and RSpec's expect syntax wasn't around, but I think adding Timecop.freeze to a before block or clause may help people who have the same problem mentioned in the original question. Certainly, it doesn't seem like asking a new question and answering it is worthwhile since my question would be very very similar to the one above.)

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aceofbassgreg Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 13:09
