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How do I copy built artifact to a directory on remote Windows server in maven deploy phase?

could someone provide working example (full maven plugin configuration) how to copy built jar file to a specific server(s) at the time of deploy phase?

I have tried to look at wagon plugin, but it is hugely undocumented and I was not able to set it up. The build produces standard jar that is being deployed to Nexus, but I need to put the jar also to the test server automatically over local network (\someserver\testapp\bin).

I will be grateful for any hints.

Thank you

like image 593
Petr Macek Avatar asked Dec 31 '22 08:12

Petr Macek

1 Answers

Actually I have found a different way: Dependency plugin!


It also takes windows path like \\resource.

Note that \\someserver\somedirectory works from windows client only.

like image 54
Petr Macek Avatar answered Jan 06 '23 03:01

Petr Macek