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How do I convert an interval into a number of hours with postgres?

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What does interval do in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL, the Interval is another type of data type used to store and deploy Time in years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, etc. And the months and days values are integers values, whereas the second's field can be the fractions values.

What is interval data type in PostgreSQL?

In PostgreSQL the interval data type is used to store and manipulate a time period. It holds 16 bytes of space and ranging from -178, 000, 000 years to 178, 000, 000 years. It also has additional attribute called “precision (denoted by p)” that can be used to set the level of precision in the query results.

How do I write date cast in PostgreSQL?

The TO_DATE function in PostgreSQL is used to converting strings into dates. Its syntax is TO_DATE(text, text) and the return type is date. The TO_TIMESTAMP function converts string data into timestamps with timezone. Its syntax is to_timestamp(text, text) .

Probably the easiest way is:

SELECT EXTRACT(epoch FROM my_interval)/3600

If you want integer i.e. number of days:

SELECT (EXTRACT(epoch FROM (SELECT (NOW() - '2014-08-02 08:10:56')))/86400)::int

To get the number of days the easiest way would be:

SELECT EXTRACT(DAY FROM NOW() - '2014-08-02 08:10:56');

As far as I know it would return the same as:

SELECT (EXTRACT(epoch FROM (SELECT (NOW() - '2014-08-02 08:10:56')))/86400)::int;

select floor((date_part('epoch', order_time - '2016-09-05 00:00:00') / 3600)), count(*)
from od_a_week
group by floor((date_part('epoch', order_time - '2016-09-05 00:00:00') / 3600));

The ::int conversion follows the principle of rounding. If you want a different result such as rounding down, you can use the corresponding math function such as floor.

If you convert table field:

  1. Define the field so it contains seconds:

         field        INTERVAL SECOND(0)
  2. Extract the value. Remember to cast to int other wise you can get an unpleasant surprise once the intervals are big:

    EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM field)::int