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How can I round up the time to the nearest X minutes?

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How to round time in c#?

Convert the DateTime value to be rounded to a decimal floating-point value representing the whole and fractional number of TimeSpan units. Round that to an integer, using Math. Round() . Scale back to ticks by multiplying the rounded integer by the number of ticks in the TimeSpan unit.

How to round off minutes in java?

You can do this logic raw using the primative long . For example: long now = System. currentTimeMillis(); long rounded = now - now % 60000; Once you have a long you can do whatever you want.

DateTime RoundUp(DateTime dt, TimeSpan d)
    return new DateTime((dt.Ticks + d.Ticks - 1) / d.Ticks * d.Ticks, dt.Kind);


var dt1 = RoundUp(DateTime.Parse("2011-08-11 16:59"), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));
// dt1 == {11/08/2011 17:00:00}

var dt2 = RoundUp(DateTime.Parse("2011-08-11 17:00"), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));
// dt2 == {11/08/2011 17:00:00}

var dt3 = RoundUp(DateTime.Parse("2011-08-11 17:01"), TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15));
// dt3 == {11/08/2011 17:15:00}

Came up with a solution that doesn't involve multiplying and dividing long numbers.

public static DateTime RoundUp(this DateTime dt, TimeSpan d)
    var modTicks = dt.Ticks % d.Ticks;
    var delta = modTicks != 0 ? d.Ticks - modTicks : 0;
    return new DateTime(dt.Ticks + delta, dt.Kind);

public static DateTime RoundDown(this DateTime dt, TimeSpan d)
    var delta = dt.Ticks % d.Ticks;
    return new DateTime(dt.Ticks - delta, dt.Kind);

public static DateTime RoundToNearest(this DateTime dt, TimeSpan d)
    var delta = dt.Ticks % d.Ticks;
    bool roundUp = delta > d.Ticks / 2;
    var offset = roundUp ? d.Ticks : 0;

    return new DateTime(dt.Ticks + offset - delta, dt.Kind);


var date = new DateTime(2010, 02, 05, 10, 35, 25, 450); // 2010/02/05 10:35:25
var roundedUp = date.RoundUp(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)); // 2010/02/05 10:45:00
var roundedDown = date.RoundDown(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)); // 2010/02/05 10:30:00
var roundedToNearest = date.RoundToNearest(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15)); // 2010/02/05 10:30:00

if you need to round to a nearest time interval (not up) then i suggest to use the following

    static DateTime RoundToNearestInterval(DateTime dt, TimeSpan d)
        int f=0;
        double m = (double)(dt.Ticks % d.Ticks) / d.Ticks;
        if (m >= 0.5)
        return new DateTime(((dt.Ticks/ d.Ticks)+f) * d.Ticks);

void Main()
    var date1 = new DateTime(2011, 8, 11, 16, 59, 00);

    var date2 = new DateTime(2011, 8, 11, 17, 00, 02);

    var date3 = new DateTime(2011, 8, 11, 17, 01, 23);

    var date4 = new DateTime(2011, 8, 11, 17, 00, 00);

public static class Extentions
    public static DateTime Round15(this DateTime value)
        var ticksIn15Mins = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15).Ticks;

        return (value.Ticks % ticksIn15Mins == 0) ? value : new DateTime((value.Ticks / ticksIn15Mins + 1) * ticksIn15Mins);


8/11/2011 5:00:00 PM
8/11/2011 5:15:00 PM
8/11/2011 5:15:00 PM
8/11/2011 5:00:00 PM

Since I hate reinventing the wheel, I'd probably follow this algorithm to round a DateTime value to a specified increment of time (Timespan):

  • Convert the DateTime value to be rounded to a decimal floating-point value representing the whole and fractional number of TimeSpan units.
  • Round that to an integer, using Math.Round().
  • Scale back to ticks by multiplying the rounded integer by the number of ticks in the TimeSpan unit.
  • Instantiate a new DateTime value from the rounded number of ticks and return it to the caller.

Here's the code:

public static class DateTimeExtensions

    public static DateTime Round( this DateTime value , TimeSpan unit )
        return Round( value , unit , default(MidpointRounding) ) ;

    public static DateTime Round( this DateTime value , TimeSpan unit , MidpointRounding style )
        if ( unit <= TimeSpan.Zero ) throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("unit" , "value must be positive") ;

        Decimal  units        = (decimal) value.Ticks / (decimal) unit.Ticks ;
        Decimal  roundedUnits = Math.Round( units , style ) ;
        long     roundedTicks = (long) roundedUnits * unit.Ticks ;
        DateTime instance     = new DateTime( roundedTicks ) ;

        return instance ;
