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How do I configure the hostname for Rails ActionMailer?


People also ask

What is action_ mailer in Rails?

Action Mailer allows you to send emails from your application using a mailer model and views. So, in Rails, emails are used by creating mailers that inherit from ActionMailer::Base and live in app/mailers. Those mailers have associated views that appear alongside controller views in app/views.

How do you preview Mailer in Rails?

rails generates a mail preview if you use rails g mailer CustomMailer . You will get a file CustomMailerPreview inside spec/mailers/previews folder. Here you can write your method that will call the mailer and it'll generate a preview.

What is Default_url_options?

The default_url_options setting is useful for constructing link URLs in email templates. Usually, the :host , i.e. the fully qualified name of the web server, is needed to be set up with this config option. It has nothing to do with sending emails, it only configures displaying links in the emails.

I'm working on a fairly traditional forgot password email - I want to email the user a password change token embedded in a link that they can click on in order to change their password. I'm emailing via the traditional ActionMailer.

If I use a normal link_to tag

<%= link_to "click here", :controller => foo, :action => 'bar', :token => token %>

I get a relative link - rather useless from an email.

If I add in

:only_path => false, then it errors saying I need to set default_url_options[:host]. The ActionController docs imply that you do that by overriding the #default_url_options methods in your controller. Surely there's a configuration option to tell Rails what it's hostname is without adding my own config file, parsing it, etc?