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How do I completely uninstall Eclipse so I can sort out my Subclipse trouble?

I am having trouble finalising the installation of Subclipse into my Eclipse installation.

First some background: I installed Eclipse in 64-bit Ubuntu (in a VM). I tried to install Subclipse but on the final screen, the button to finish was greyed out (apparently this is a known unresolved issue). I cancelled the installation.

The problem is that when I tried to add the plug-in again, it says that it's a duplicate location (http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.8.x). So I tried to search for the plug-in in the installed list (help -> about eclipse platform -> installation details), but I can't find Subclipse anywhere.

I have tried uninstalling Eclipse completely. Didn't solve the problem. I'd like to not have to completely reinstall Ubuntu in this VM. Is there any way I can completely clear any and all configurations so I can start from square one?

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Smipims Avatar asked Nov 20 '11 04:11


People also ask

How do I permanently delete eclipse?

In 'users', select the user where the eclipse is installed. Locate the 'eclipse' file in the 'users' folder. Now, right-click on it and select 'delete'. Locate all other eclipse folders in the 'users' file and follow the same steps to delete them manually.

Can I delete eclipse?

Manually Delete Eclipse Just go to the C drive and navigate to the Users folder. Then, go to your name (for example, vera) folder, find the . eclipse folder, and right-click it to delete. As well, right-click the eclipse folder and delete.

1 Answers

The following solution assumes you installed with the installer (as opposed to your package manager). There is a hidden file in your home user directory (the path is /home/user). You can use the shortcut Ctrl+H to discover it. And then you would find a folder named .eclipse, just remove this folder, as it includes all the setting you have set before.

Alternatively, you can open a terminal, and use the following command:

rm -r ~/.eclipse

Ubuntu, and all Unix systems are similar. They are all Inheritance systems, which will keep the user's setting in home.

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Wang Ruiqi Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 06:11

Wang Ruiqi