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deprecated warning while compiling

i have a question regarding development environments settings. i am trying to see if there is any possibility to make a compilation warning in a development environment(eclipse,android studio)for android applications using a deprecated feature(could be a method , constructor or whatever you can think of ). until now i am working manually to find the use of this deprecated features , and my boss asked me to look for an automatic settings in my idea ...

so lets say for a specific code :

 protected void onPrepareDialog(int paramInt, Dialog paramDialog)
      super.onPrepareDialog(paramInt, paramDialog);
      AlertDialog localAlertDialog = (AlertDialog)paramDialog;
      localAlertDialog.setTitle("Passphrase required");
      ((TextView)localAlertDialog.findViewById(2131230727)).setText(Preferences.getConfigName(this, getConfigFile()));
      Button localButton = localAlertDialog.getButton(-3);
      if (this.mOpenVpnService != null);
      for (boolean bool = true; ; bool = false)

i have several deprecated features here , and android studio declares it , but what i need is a configuration for this warning to be automated and save me the need of walking through each class manually ...

like image 320
TubusMan Avatar asked Dec 30 '14 11:12


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What does is deprecated warning mean?

Deprecation warnings are a common thing in our industry. They are warnings that notify us that a specific feature (e.g. a method) will be removed soon (usually in the next minor or major version) and should be replaced with something else.

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In Node. js, util. deprecate() wraps around a function in such a way that the function is marked deprecated. util. deprecate() throws a warning on STDERR , along with the supplied ERRCODE .

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removing is danger because user may used that and if a developer want to remove a thing first have to notify others to don't use this feature or things and after this he can remove. and DeprecationWarning is this notification.

1 Answers

For me the best solution is add this lines in the file build.gradle(project:appname)

allprojects {
tasks.withType(JavaCompile) {
    options.compilerArgs << "-Xlint:unchecked" << "-Xlint:deprecation"

Then all the deprecated methods in the java files appear in the build tab: deprecated api tab android studio

This works on gradle 5.1.1

like image 153
Evilripper Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10
