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How do I cleanly test equality of objects in Mypy without producing errors?

I have the following function:

import pandas as pd

def eq(left: pd.Timestamp, right: pd.Timestamp) -> bool:
    return left == right

I get the following error when I run it through Mypy:

error: Returning Any from function declared to return "bool"

I believe this is because Mypy doesn't know about pd.Timestamp so treats it as Any. (Using the Mypy reveal_type function shows that Mypy treats left and right as Any.)

What is the correct way to deal with this to stop Mypy complaining?

like image 430
Dan Avatar asked Nov 23 '21 13:11


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2 Answers

you can cast it as a bool.

import pandas as pd

def eq(left: pd.Timestamp, right: pd.Timestamp) -> bool:
    return bool(left == right)

if mypy doesn't like that you can import cast from typing and use that to cast it to a bool.

import pandas as pd
from typing import cast

def eq(left: pd.Timestamp, right: pd.Timestamp) -> bool:
    result = bool(left == right)
    return cast(bool, result)
like image 51
Ollie in PGH Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 03:09

Ollie in PGH

I have tested it also without using the cast command. The Mypy check is passed without any error with the following code:

import pandas as pd

def eq(left: pd.Timestamp, right: pd.Timestamp) -> bool:
    return bool(left == right)

(Tested with Mypy 0910.)

like image 39
Eyal Asulin Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09

Eyal Asulin