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How do I check if an element is hidden in jQuery?

Is it possible to toggle the visibility of an element, using the functions .hide(), .show() or .toggle()?

How would you test if an element is visible or hidden?

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Philip Morton Avatar asked Oct 07 '08 13:10

Philip Morton

People also ask

How do you check if an element is hidden?

Another way to check if an element is hidden is to use the window. getComputedStyle() method. It will return the display property value of the object. We can check if the string is equal to none meaning the element is hidden and do something.

Is Div visible jQuery?

You can use .is(':visible') selects all elements that are visible.

Is visible in jQuery?

The :visible selector in jQuery is used to select every element which is currently visible. It works upon the visible elements. The elements that are consuming space in the document are considered visible elements. The height and width of visible elements are larger than 0.

1 Answers

Since the question refers to a single element, this code might be more suitable:

// Checks CSS content for display:[none|block], ignores visibility:[true|false] $(element).is(":visible");  // The same works with hidden $(element).is(":hidden"); 

It is the same as twernt's suggestion, but applied to a single element; and it matches the algorithm recommended in the jQuery FAQ.

We use jQuery's is() to check the selected element with another element, selector or any jQuery object. This method traverses along the DOM elements to find a match, which satisfies the passed parameter. It will return true if there is a match, otherwise return false.

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Tsvetomir Tsonev Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 21:10

Tsvetomir Tsonev