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How do I change the default save location in Vim?

Currently it's C:\Windows\System32 which is pretty impractical. I know that you can change the current directory with :cd [directory], but is there any way to change the default save location for new files without having to change directories all the time?

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Coffee Maker Avatar asked Mar 22 '23 03:03

Coffee Maker

2 Answers

I am not at Windows so I cannot find the exact menu names and such, but if I recall correctly the easiest way to go about it is:

  1. Find your gVim application
  2. Right click it
  3. Choose Properties,
  4. Change the startup location in one of the tabs. The usual place to set it to would be your home directory.
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krystah Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 23:03


You can change Vim's current working directory with the :cd command. See

 :help :cd 


If you want Vim to always start in a particular directory, you can 
put the :cd command in your ~/_vimrc file.

If you want Vim to use 
the parent directory of the file you are editing as its current 
working directory, you can put this setting in your ~/_vimrc file:


 set autochdir 


:help 'autochdir' 
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Sajad Karuthedath Avatar answered Mar 31 '23 23:03

Sajad Karuthedath