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How do I change the default download directory for pre-trained model in Keras?

According to documentation, it says that the default download directory for all Keras files is $HOME/.keras. I'm using virtual environment and I want to change the default download directory of pre-trained models to a different directory. Maybe this has more to do with virtualenv than with Keras?

like image 779
Sunil Avatar asked Mar 01 '18 17:03


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1 Answers

If you are using the master branch of keras, you can set the KERAS_HOME environment variable to set the cache directory. If it is not set, cache directory defaults to $HOME/.keras.

export KERAS_HOME="/path/to/keras/dir"

Add the line to your ".bashrc" to set the variable every time you open up a new terminal.

This has not yet been released, you must use the master branch to use this feature.

like image 156
Fauzan Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 19:10
