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src/pip-delete-this-directory.txt can I delete this file?




If I install a pip package via

pip install -e -e git+https://example.com/repos/foo#egg=foo

then a directory called pip-delete-this-directory.txt gets created.

I am unsure if I can delete this file, or would this something break?


Where is the canonical reference/doc for this file?

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guettli Avatar asked Mar 16 '17 10:03


1 Answers

I found a sample of a pip-delete-this-directory.txt which contains the following lines:

This file is placed here by pip to indicate the source was put here by pip.

Once this package is successfully installed this source code will be deleted (unless you remove this file).

And the upvoted response of this question: Pip creates build/ directories, reinforces my believe that nothing will get broken if you delete this file, but the source code of the module you installed will remain on your computer and take up space. If that is not a concern for you then you don't need to delete it!

like image 71
John Moutafis Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 20:10

John Moutafis