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How do I cast the argument type within a closure signature in Swift?

I'm trying to write a light observer class in Swift (currently Swift 2). The idea is to use it within an Entity Component system, as a means for the components to communicate with one-another without being coupled together.

The problem I'm having is that all types of data could be communicated, a CGVector, an NSTimeInterval and so on. This means that the method being passed could have all kinds of type signatures (CGVector) -> Void, () -> Void etc.

I'd like to be able to store these varying signatures in an array, but still have some type safety. My thinking is that the type for the array would be (Any) -> Void or perhaps (Any?) -> Void, so that I can at least ensure that it contains methods. But I'm having trouble passing methods in this way: Cannot convert value of type '(CGVector) -> ()' to expected argument type '(Any) -> ()'.

First attempt:

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import Cocoa
import Foundation

enum EventName: String {
    case input, update

struct Binding{
    let listener: Component
    let action: (Any) -> ()

class EventManager {
    var events = [EventName: [Binding]]()

    func add(name: EventName, event: Binding) {
        if var eventArray = events[name] {
        } else {
            events[name] = [event]

    func dispatch(name: EventName, argument: Any) {
        if let eventArray = events[name] {
            for element in eventArray {

    func remove(name: EventName, listener: Component) {
        if var eventArray = events[name] {
            eventArray = eventArray.filter(){ $0.listener.doc  != listener.doc }

// Usage test


protocol Component {
    var doc: String { get }

class Input: Component {
    let doc = "InputComponent"
    let eventManager: EventManager

    init(eventManager: EventManager) {
        self.eventManager = eventManager

    func goRight() {
        eventManager.dispatch(.input, argument: CGVector(dx: 10, dy: 0) )

class Movement: Component {
    let doc = "MovementComponent"

    func move(vector: CGVector) {
        print("moved \(vector)")


class Physics: Component {
    let doc = "PhysicsComponent"

    func update(time: NSTimeInterval){
        print("updated at \(time)")

class someClass {
    let eventManager = EventManager()

    // components
    let inputComponent: Input
    let moveComponent = Movement()

    init() {
        inputComponent = Input(eventManager: eventManager)

        let inputBinding = Binding(listener: moveComponent, action: moveComponent.move) // ! Cannot convert value of type '(CGVector) -> ()' to expected argument type '(Any) -> ()'
        eventManager.add(.input, event: inputBinding)


let someInstance = someClass()

Throws the error Cannot convert value of type '(CGVector) -> ()' to expected argument type '(Any) -> ()'.

Second attempt

If I genericize the Binding struct to recognise different types of arguments I have a bit more luck. This version basically works, but the array holding the methods is now [Any] ( I'm not sure whether it's the attempt to cast Any back to the Binding struct that is causing the slightly odd error below Binary operator '!=' cannot be applied to two 'String' operands):

struct Binding<Argument>{
    let listener: Component
    let action: (Argument) -> ()

class EventManager {
    var events = [EventName: [Any]]()

    func add(name: EventName, event: Any) {
        if var eventArray = events[name] {
        } else {
            events[name] = [event]

    func dispatch<Argument>(name: EventName, argument: Argument) {
        if let eventArray = events[name] {
            for element in eventArray {
                (element as! Binding<Argument>).action(argument)

    func remove(name: EventName, listener: Component) {
        if var eventArray = events[name] {
           // eventArray = eventArray.filter(){ ($0 as! Binding).listener.doc  != listener.doc } //Binary operator '!=' cannot be applied to two 'String' operands

Is there a way to do this and have the array hold methods of varying type signatures, something like [(Any?) -> ()] ?

Attempt 3...

Reading around, eg here http://www.klundberg.com/blog/capturing-objects-weakly-in-instance-method-references-in-swift/ it seems that my approach above will lead to strong reference cycles, and that what I need to do is pass the static method eg Movement.move rather than moveComponent.move. So the type signature I would be storing would actually be (Component) -> (Any?) -> Void rather than (Any?) -> Void. But my question still stands, I still would like to be able to store an array of these static methods with a bit more type-safety than just [Any].

like image 444
OliverD Avatar asked Jun 28 '16 10:06


1 Answers

One approach to casting the parameters of a closure, suggested in Mike Ash's blog that Casey Fleser linked to, is to "recurry"(?) it.

A genericised Binding class:

private class Binding<Argument>{
    weak var listener: AnyObject?
    let action: AnyObject -> Argument -> ()

    init(listener: AnyObject, action: AnyObject -> Argument -> ()) {
        self.listener = listener
        self.action = action

    func invoke(data: Argument) -> () {
        if let this = listener {

And the event manager, without the recurrying:

class EventManager {

    var events = [EventName: [AnyObject]]()

    func add<T: AnyObject, Argument>(name: EventName, listener: T, action: T -> Argument -> Void) {           
        let binding = Binding(listener: listener, action: action) //error: cannot convert value of type 'T -> Argument -> Void' to expected argument type 'AnyObject -> _ -> ()'

        if var eventArray = events[name] {
        } else {
            events[name] = [binding]

    func dispatch<Argument>(name: EventName, argument: Argument) {
        if let eventArray = events[name] {
            for element in eventArray {
                (element as! Binding<Argument>).invoke(argument)

    func remove(name: EventName, listener: Component) {
        if var eventArray = events[name] {
            eventArray = eventArray.filter(){ $0 !== listener }

This still produces the same error, of not being able to cast to AnyObject:

error: cannot convert value of type 'T -> Argument -> Void' to expected argument type 'AnyObject -> _ -> ()'.

Bu if we call the first part of the curried function, and enclose it within a new closure (I don't know if this has a name, I'm calling it "recurrying"), like this: action: { action($0 as! T) } then it all works (technique taken from Mike Ash). I guess this is a bit of a hack, in that Swift type safety is being circumvented.

I also don't really understand the error message: it's saying it can't convert T to AnyObject, but then accepts casting to T?

EDIT: updated with the complete code so far edit2: corrected how events are appended edit3: removing events now works

//: Playground - noun: a place where people can play

import Cocoa
import Foundation

enum EventName: String {
    case input, update

private class Binding<Argument>{
    weak var listener: AnyObject?
    let action: AnyObject -> Argument -> ()

    init(listener: AnyObject, action: AnyObject -> Argument -> ()) {
        self.listener = listener
        self.action = action

    func invoke(data: Argument) -> () {
        if let this = listener {


class EventManager {
    var events = [EventName: [AnyObject]]()

    func add<T: AnyObject, Argument>(name: EventName, listener: T, action: T -> Argument -> Void) {

        let binding = Binding(listener: listener, action: { action($0 as! T)  }) //

        if events[name]?.append(binding) == nil {
            events[name] = [binding]

    func dispatch<Argument>(name: EventName, argument: Argument) {
        if let eventArray = events[name] {
            for element in eventArray {
                (element as! Binding<Argument>).invoke(argument)

    func remove<T: AnyObject, Argument>(name: EventName, listener: T, action: T -> Argument -> Void) {
        events[name]? = events[name]!.filter(){ ( $0 as! Binding<Argument>).listener !== listener }

// Usage test


class Component {

    weak var events: EventManager?
    let doc: String
    init(doc: String){
        self.doc = doc


class Input: Component {

    init() {
        super.init(doc: "InputComponent")

    func goRight() {
        events?.dispatch(.input, argument: CGVector(dx: 10, dy: 0) )

    func goUp() {
        events?.dispatch(.input, argument: CGVector(dx: 0, dy: -5) )

class Movement: Component {
    init() {
        super.init(doc: "MovementComponent")
    func move(vector: CGVector) {
        print("moved \(vector)")


class Physics: Component {
    init() {
        super.init(doc: "PhysicsComponent")

    func update(time: NSTimeInterval){
        print("updated at \(time)")

    func move(vector: CGVector) {
        print("updated \(vector)")


// Entity

class Entity {

    let events = EventManager()


class someClass: Entity {

    // components
    let inputComponent: Input
    let moveComponent: Movement
    let physicsComponent: Physics

    override init() {

        inputComponent = Input()
        moveComponent = Movement()
        physicsComponent = Physics()
        inputComponent.events = events

        events.add(.input, listener: moveComponent, action: Movement.move)
        events.add(.input, listener: physicsComponent, action: Physics.move)

let someInstance = someClass()

//moved CGVector(dx: 10.0, dy: 0.0)
//updated CGVector(dx: 10.0, dy: 0.0)

someInstance.events.remove(.input, listener: someInstance.moveComponent, action: Movement.move)
//updated CGVector(dx: 0.0, dy: -5.0)

someInstance.events.remove(.input, listener: someInstance.physicsComponent, action: Physics.move)
// nothing
like image 100
OliverD Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 19:09
