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How do I build a native binary on .NET Core using the current preview?

Using the current .NET Core preview, how do I compile (Publish ?) a native binary for a console application. I am on Mac OS 10.11.

I did the following:

dotnet new
dotnet restore
dotnet publish

I kind of expected "publish" to build a native binary for me, but it did not. It places a .dll, along with some JSON, in the publish folder ? I should mention the application runs fine when using dotnet run.

So, how do I get a native binary for my simple console application ?

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driis Avatar asked May 18 '16 19:05


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1 Answers

According to an MS dev on the Slack channel, native compilation was removed/disabled in RC2 since it wasn't deemed ready yet.

There does seem to be a little bit of interest in it, so I've been debating whether to try to get it running myself, from the CLI source.

Otherwise, we'll just have to wait, but I agree, huge disappointment.

EDIT: just for completeness, I should add that .NET Core and .NET Native are available for UWP / Windows Store apps, though obviously this is not cross-platform.

EDIT #2: since this seems to continue to be getting attention, the new way that this is planned on being done is CoreRT, currently in active development.

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Steve Desmond Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 18:10

Steve Desmond