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How do I assign variables to be available when an R package is loaded?




I have figured out how to make a package that contains some color palettes that I frequently use. I modified the code in this blog post to get it to work. The following code is reproducible.

My specific question though is that this only works when I run the functions create_palette() and create_palette_list() below. Those functions, as currently structured to make two objects that have to be available for the functions scale_color_mine() and scale_fill_mine() to work. So, my question is how do I modify the code in the package wlucolors so that those objects are made available the moment the package wlucolors is loaded.

I think this has something to do with making global variables available to some other functions, and maybe assigning something to the global environment, but I'm really not sure.

Thanks for any insights.


ggplot(mtcars, aes(x = hp, y = mpg, col = cyl)) +
  geom_point() +
  scale_color_mine(palette = "federal", discrete = F)
df <- data.frame(party = c("lib", "con", "bq", "ndp", "green"),
  voteshare = c(12, 15, 15, 16, 18))
ggplot(df, aes(x = party, y = voteshare, fill = party)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_mine(palette = "federal", discrete = T)
df <- data.frame(party = c("lib", "con", "bq", "ndp", "green"),
  voteshare = c(12, 15, 15, 16, 18))
ggplot(df, aes(x = party, y = voteshare, fill = party)) +
  geom_col() +
  scale_fill_mine(palette = "federal", discrete = T)
like image 986
spindoctor Avatar asked Mar 02 '23 15:03


2 Answers

Although .onLoad is one option, I think that it wouldn't be the recommended way to go about this (we can read here for what .onLoad is mainly used).

The question is, do you want my_colors to be available to the users? Or do you just want it to be available as internal data for your functions. From looking at your github repo I think the latter is the case, but lets go through both options. They are both explained in the link above from @Waldi's answer.

  1. Make the colors and palettes available as external data to the user. You would do this with usethis::use_data(my_colors) and then you'd just need to document the data, but do not use @export in the documentation. In the description file you could set LazyData: true so the data is only loaded into memory when actually used. In this case your functions can use the data, but it would also be available to the users.

  2. Alternatively, you could make the colors and palettes available as internal data for your functions. This can be done with the same function from {usethis}, the only difference is we set the internal argument to TRUE: usethis::use_data(my_colors, internal = TRUE). Now you can refer inside your function to the data my_palettes and the function argument can be used to subset my_palettes.

For example:

scale_color_mine(palette = "federal")

would internally do:

scale_color_mine  <- function(palette) {
# do stuff here
cur_palette <- my_palettes[[palette]]
# do stuff here

In this case the users won't be able to access the data, but the good thing is that my_colors and my_palettes wouldn't populate the namespace.

like image 99
TimTeaFan Avatar answered Apr 24 '23 02:04


If you want to make the my_colors vector available without writing it to the current environment using .onLoad as suggested in comments, you can create a my_colors.R file for it in the /R directory of your package, see:

my_colors <- c(
  `liberal`        = "darkred",
  `conservative`   = "darkblue",
  `ndp`            = "orange",
  `bq`             = "cyan",
  `green`          = "darkgreen",
  `laurier1`       = "darkorchid",
  `laurier2`       = "gold")

#' My colors
#' available colors vector
#' @format a vector with the colors I need
#' @export

like image 32
Waldi Avatar answered Apr 24 '23 04:04
