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How do I add images to the iOS Simulator

I have xcode 4.5.1 and want to add photos to the iphone 6.0 simulator but cant find it. I have a folder named iphone simulator but it just contains 4.3.1. It may be because some months ago I drag almost everything in the application support to my extern hard drive to save some memory. Now when I drag it back it contains the 4.3.1 which I used before. Do I have to download something on new or what should I do? Thanks in advance!

like image 628
wmichaelsen Avatar asked Nov 18 '12 16:11


People also ask

Does iOS simulator Have App Store?

No. The iOS Simulator does not have an App Store.

1 Answers

  1. Run the simulator
  2. Run Safari on the Simulator
  3. Drag a picture onto Safari running on the Simulator, this opens the image.
  4. Click and hold on the image, or tap on the share icon in the bottom tool bar.
  5. You'll get an alert asking if you want to store the image to your phone
like image 151
Abizern Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 15:09
