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How do I add an arbitrary file to /public with Gatsby?




I would like to add a text file to /src in a way that it always ends up unchanged in the root of the build directory (/public).

In my case specifically I need to add a _redirects file for Netlify to redirect a subdomain to a custom domain.

Running Gatsby 1.0 alpha.

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agentofuser Avatar asked May 04 '17 20:05


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2 Answers

A bit late to the party.

The easiest way is to add static folder in your project root directory, then place _redirects inside it. Then when you build Gatsby will automatically pick that up and place it within /public folder.

See official docs

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csukcc Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


Didn't need to put it in /src. I just added it directly to /public.

Even though it's in .gitignore, I used git add -f /public/_redirects, committed it, and it worked. It doesn't get deleted or overwritten during build.

Another way to do this (which I haven't tested) is to is to copy the file to its destination in /public as part of a post-build script in gatsby-node.js.

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agentofuser Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09
