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gatsby-image: difference between childImageSharp vs imageSharp



I'm using gatsby-image to handle automatically handle different image sizes. It works great.

However, in the docs of gatsby-image, one example uses imageSharp in graphql to get different image sizes, while another example uses childImageSharp. I was curious what the difference between the two are?

I assume it has to do with either gatsby-transformer-sharp or gatsby-plugin-sharp, but the docs for those plugins don't have any info on that either.

like image 794
Brandon Avatar asked May 02 '18 18:05


People also ask

What is childImageSharp in gatsby?

As you see above gatsby-image uses childImageSharp referencing the GraphQL query where you define the file path, size, etc of the image. It would be considered a child because the original or "origin" image in the filesystem is a different makeup in size or file type.

How does gatsby's image work?

gatsby-image is a React component specially designed to work seamlessly with Gatsby's GraphQL queries. It combines Gatsby's native image processing capabilities with advanced image loading techniques to easily and completely optimize image loading for your sites.

How do you add a background image to gatsby?

To produce optimized background-images, you need only to: Import gatsby-background-image and use it in place of the built-in div or suchlike containers.

1 Answers

It's been a while since this question was asked, but I hope to give a direct answer to the question 'what's the different between imageSharp and childImageSharp':

Different between imageSharp & childImageSharp

They are always the same type of node, which is ImageSharp. The difference is the reference point.

In a typical gatsby blog, all files will be first processed with gatsby-transformer-file-system. Each file will get a node with information such as what type of file it is, then, a plugin like gatsby-transformer-sharp will pick up the node with the relevant type/extension, then process it further and create a new node:

File                                image.png


                                   create a node with
gatsby-transformer-file-system ->  "type": "File",
                                   "extension": "png"


                                   whenever see a node 
                                   with a valid image extension,
gatsby-transformer-sharp       ->  create a node with
                                   "type": "ImageSharp"
                                   that contains info of images
                                   processed by `gatsby-plugin-sharp`

Whenever this happens, a parent-child relationship is created between the original File node and the ImageSharp node. The child ImageSharp node will be queriable on the File node with the name childImageSharp.

File                                ImageSharp
  |--id: 1                              |--id: 2
  |--children                           |--parent
  |     `--[ id: 2 ]                    |    `--id: 1
  `--childImageSharp                    |--fluid
        |--id: 2                       ...

It means you can query the same ImageSharp node in at least 2 ways:

1. From the File node

ImageSharp node doesn't contain any info about its location in the file system, so if you want to get an image from folder src/X, you'd need to query it like:

query {
  // relativePath is relative to the folder set in `gatsby-transformer-file-system`
  file ( relativePath: { eq: "src/X"} ) {
    childImageSharp {
      fluid {

2.Directly get the ImageSharp

Perhaps somehow you know the exact id of the ImageSharp node. You can get it by:

  imageSharp (id: {eq: "2"}) { // not a real id
    fluid {

You can also query multiple images from allFile, or allImageSharp.

This will return with an error:

// error
  childImageSharp {

Other plugins share the same kind of relationship as well. You can also find a childMardownRemark node on the File type, that resolve to a MarkdownRemark node.

It doesn't have anything to do with gatsby-image -- it's just different way to resolve to the same node.

like image 170
Derek Nguyen Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Derek Nguyen