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How do I add a script bundle conditionally?

I have a javascript bundle that I only want to include when testing, not when the code is deployed to production.

I have added a Property called IsEnabledTestingFeatures. In the BundleConfig.cs file I access it like so:

if(Properties.Settings.Default.IsEnabledTestingFeatures) {
    bundles.Add(new ScriptBundle("~/bundles/testing").Include("~/Scripts/set-date.js"));

This works correctly.

Now, I only want to include the bundle in my page if this property is set to true.

I have tried the following, but the compiler is complaining that it cannot find the Default namespace:

    if( [PROJECT NAMESPACE].Properties.Default.IsEnabledTestingFeatures)

I tried finding how to access the Scripts.Render functionality from the Controller itself, but have been unsuccessful.

I prefer to add the bundle in the view itself, but will settle for adding it via the Controller.

like image 613
Shai Cohen Avatar asked Feb 11 '14 16:02

Shai Cohen

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1 Answers

The ViewBag should not be necessary...

Using appSettings from web.config you don't need to recompile for testing and it deploys easily.

    <add key="TestingEnabled" value="true" />

View or Layout

    bool testing = Convert.ToBoolean(

@if (testing) {

And I would define "~/bundles/testing" in BundleConfig regardless of the testing condition unless you wish to bundle this with other scripts.

If you assigned Properties.Default.IsEnabledTestingFeatures from AppSettings then the root of your problem is how you implemented your Properties.

like image 178
Jasen Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 14:09
