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Why doesn't the 'bundle install --without production' command not require '--without production' after update?

Why doesn't the second command of

$ bundle install

not need

--without production

(As this is how it went in a tutorial, so I assume its correct) What is happening/reasoning behind it not being needed?

From http://ruby.railstutorial.org/chapters/a-demo-app#sec-demo_users_resource

$ bundle install --without production
$ bundle update
$ bundle install
like image 843
A Ali Avatar asked Oct 02 '13 19:10

A Ali

2 Answers

I believe it's because bundler creates a .bundle/config file inside your project's folder. This file stores the --without production option for later execution so that you don't have to type it every time.

like image 167
jefflunt Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 13:10


When you run your bundle command on your development machine, it won't install the gems for use in your production environment.

See here: http://bundler.io/man/bundle-install.1.html

bundle-install - Install the dependencies specified in your Gemfile


bundle install [--binstubs[=DIRECTORY]] [--clean] [--full-index] [--gemfile=GEMFILE] [--jobs=NUMBER] [--local] [--deployment] [--no-cache] [--no-prune] [--path PATH] [--system] [--quiet] [--retry=NUMBER] [--shebang] [--standalone[=GROUP[ GROUP...]]] [--trust-policy=POLICY] [--without=GROUP[ GROUP...]]
like image 36
LiangWang Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 12:10
