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How do I access the $locationProvider to configure it?



What is the correct way to get the $locationProvider configuration parameters from a service / controller ? When doing a simple dependency injection with function ( $locationProvider ), I get the following error :

Unknown Provider : $locationProviderProvider <- $locationProvider <- myCtrl
like image 852
Maël Nison Avatar asked Apr 06 '14 09:04

Maël Nison

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1 Answers

I also got this error.

You're allowed to inject a $location into a controller, but not a $locationProvider.

Instead, the $locationProvider can be injected into a config method:

var app = angular.module("myApp", []);

app.config(function($locationProvider) {

app.controller("myCtrl", function($location) {

And since I made this additional mistake: it's not just that you should add an app.config bit, but also remember to remove $locationProvider from the controller arguments, or you'll keep getting this error.

If I understand things correctly, provider configuration happens during the configuration phase of the app lifecycle, as opposed to the run phase. Thus this separation. You can read a bit more about these phases here.

I suspect that the reason for the error message is that when you inject $foo into a controller, it looks for a $fooProvider. Thus when we injected a $locationProvider, it looked for a $locationProviderProvider.

like image 192
Henrik N Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 03:11

Henrik N