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How do I access the data from a file passed as parameters in a RMarkdown document?

Following the last example on RMarkdown's Parametrized Reports page, I am trying to use the Shiny interface to select my input file with the following code inside the YAML header:

    input: file  
    label: 'Input dataset:'  
    value: myData.csv  

The Shiny interface shows up and I get to browse for a file, but when I try to access it further down in the R code via read.csv(file=params$data, header=TRUE), I get the following message:

Error in file(file, "rt") : cannot open the connection

How can I get to read my file?

Note: I have seen a thread where users pass the file path in a function at the time of rendering the RMarkdown document, but this is not what I am trying to do. I would just like to be able to select it from the Shiny interface.

After playing a bit more, I think the issue is that the temporary file created when reading the file I select via the shiny interface and passed as params$data doesn't exist anymore when I try to access it.
Indeed, file.exists(params$data) returns FALSE.

So I guess my question now becomes: How do I get to read this temporary file before it is erased ?

like image 229
YeO Avatar asked Dec 23 '15 13:12


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1 Answers

It doesn't look like this can be reproduced anymore.

Just for the sake of explaining how this is done:

  1. Create a new RMarkdown document
  2. Add the following yaml block to the top:

        input: file  
        label: 'Input dataset:'  
        value: myData.csv  
  3. Add the following R chunk to the document:

    ```{r data}
    c <- read.csv(params$data)
  4. Select under the "Knit" dropdown the "Knit with Parameters" option

  5. Attach any valid CSV and click "Knit" in the Shiny parameters panel
like image 50
Scott Jackson Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 18:10

Scott Jackson