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How do I access the contents of the clipboard from within a headless puppeteer test?

I'm writing a test that uses puppeteer to test a component that copies something to the clipboard when it is interacted with. I want to test that the contents of the clipboard are correct after interacting. Other resources like this github issue mention using a tool like clipboardy to accomplish this. I tried using that and it works locally, but when run in my headless CI server, it complains about not having access to the X environment. Is there a way to access the clipboard without starting an X server?

I'm writing a test like this:

const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('https://mypage.com');

await page.click('#my-component');

// This fails in a headless environment
expect(clipboardy.readSync()).toEqual("Some text");
like image 226
Emily Eisenberg Avatar asked Feb 10 '20 21:02

Emily Eisenberg

2 Answers

By adding the 'clipboard-read' permission to puppeteer and using the Clipboard API, you can run navigator.clipboard.readText() to read from the clipboard in a test. This will work even in a headless environment:

const browser = await puppeteer.launch();
const context = browser.defaultBrowserContext();
context.overridePermissions(/* browser origin */, ['clipboard-read'])
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('https://mypage.com');

await page.click('#my-component');

expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.clipboard.readText()))
  .toEqual("Some text");

Documentation of context.overridePermissions()

like image 69
Emily Eisenberg Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 11:11

Emily Eisenberg

In my case I couldn't override permissions, as Eduard suggested, because it requires to give origin as a parm. I'm injecting html content in my test to the page via setContent so the page address is about:blank. Setting origin to "*" doesn't work either, nor undefined.

I have ended up mocking the clipboard api:

await page.evaluate((dataInternal) => {
    // mock clipboard
    let clipboardText = null;
    window["navigator"]["clipboard"] = {
        writeText: text => new Promise(resolve => clipboardText = text),
        readText: () => new Promise(resolve => resolve(clipboardText)),

then you can just do the following assert:

expect(await page.evaluate(() => navigator.clipboard.readText())).toBe("your text in clipboard");
like image 2
Max Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 11:11
