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How did you learn UML? [closed]


I'm going to start learning and using UML.

I need to know what considerations do you suggest for me? What is the best way to learn effectively it do you think?

Thank you

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odiseh Avatar asked May 22 '10 10:05


1 Answers

In a class named SE101- Software Engineering 1A at CPIT in New Zealand.

In my opinion, you'll find that sequence and use case diagrams will be essential for getting ideas across to non-programmers, and class diagrams (and object diagrams, to a lesser extent), for communicating ideas to other code-monkeys.

Plus, many programming books that you may read in the future, Design Patterns, for example, will use UML diagrams (class and object, mostly) to show the structure of the patterns. Knowing UML will make understanding these books a lot easier. Documentation, too, to a lesser extent.

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GlenCrawford Avatar answered Nov 09 '22 20:11
