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How come my array index is faster than pointer

Why the array index is faster than pointer? Isn't pointer supposed to be faster than array index?

** i used time.h clock_t to tested two functions, each loop 2 million times.

Pointer time : 0.018995

Index time : 0.017864

void myPointer(int a[], int size)
     int *p;
     for(p = a; p < &a[size]; p++)
         *p = 0;

void myIndex(int a[], int size)
     int i;
     for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
         a[i] = 0;
like image 482
user977648 Avatar asked Nov 16 '11 01:11


2 Answers

No, never ever pointers are supposed to be faster than array index. If one of the code is faster than the other, it's mostly because some address computations might be different. The question also should provide information of compiler and optimization flags as it can heavily affect the performance.

Array index in your context (array bound is not known) is exactly identical to the pointer operation. From a viewpoint of compilers, it is just different expression of pointer arithmetic. Here is an example of an optimized x86 code in Visual Studio 2010 with full optimization and no inline.

     3: void myPointer(int a[], int size)
     4: {
013E1800  push        edi  
013E1801  mov         edi,ecx  
     5:      int *p;
     6:      for(p = a; p < &a[size]; p++)
013E1803  lea         ecx,[edi+eax*4]  
013E1806  cmp         edi,ecx  
013E1808  jae         myPointer+15h (13E1815h)  
013E180A  sub         ecx,edi  
013E180C  dec         ecx  
013E180D  shr         ecx,2  
013E1810  inc         ecx  
013E1811  xor         eax,eax  
013E1813  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi]  
013E1815  pop         edi  
     7:      {
     8:          *p = 0;
     9:      }
    10: }
013E1816  ret 

    13: void myIndex(int a[], int size)
    14: {
    15:      int i;
    16:      for(i = 0; i < size; i++)
013E17F0  test        ecx,ecx  
013E17F2  jle         myIndex+0Ch (13E17FCh)  
013E17F4  push        edi  
013E17F5  xor         eax,eax  
013E17F7  mov         edi,edx  
013E17F9  rep stos    dword ptr es:[edi]  
013E17FB  pop         edi  
    17:      {
    18:          a[i] = 0;
    19:      }
    20: }
013E17FC  ret 

At a glance, myIndex looks faster because the number of instructions are less, however, the two pieces of the code are essentially the same. Both eventually use rep stos, which is a x86's repeating (loop) instruction. The only difference is because of the computation of the loop bound. The for loop in myIndex has the trip count size as it is (i.e., no computation is needed). But, myPointer needs some computation to get the trip count of the for loop. This is the only difference. The important loop operations are just the same. Thus, the difference is negligible.

To summarize, the performance of myPointer and myIndex in an optimized code should be identical.

FYI, if the array's bound is known at compile time, e.g., int A[constant_expression], then the accesses on this array may be much faster than the pointer one. This is mostly because the array accesses are free from the pointer analysis problem. Compilers can perfectly compute the dependency information on computations and accesses on a fixed-size array, so it can do advanced optimizations including automatic parallelization.

However, if computations are pointer based, compilers must perform pointer analysis for further optimization, which is pretty much limited in C/C++. It generally ends up with conservative results on pointer analysis and results in a few optimization opportunity.

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minjang Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 15:10


It may be the comparison in the for loop that is causing the difference. The termination condition is tested on each iteration, and your "pointer" example has a slightly more complicated termination condition (taking the address of &a[size]). Since &a[size] does not change, you could try setting it to a variable to avoid recalculating it on each iteration of the loop.

like image 23
Ron Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 14:10
