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How can you reach the same level of efficiency using gdb as you do with a visual debugger?


I know this is like heresy, but I simply can't see how using gdb can be more efficient, in daily debug use (not advanced dumping and logging debug), than a visual debugger.

I come from a background of .Net (Love the environment hate the mentality) and over the past coupld of years moved to PHP & C++. I am now developing a project in C++, using Eclipse, and hate how heavy the editor is, so I've moved to Textmate. But debugging is so uncomfortable. I'm using gdb, but miss visual debug, which is so much easier and efficient.

And yet, every one says - Learn to use gdb properly! So I'm asking- how do I use gdb properly & efficiently?

like image 777
Che Kofif Avatar asked Jun 14 '11 13:06

Che Kofif

1 Answers

You could use gdb with an IDE like KDevelop. It has an visual interface so that helps.
Or GDB with Emacs, It does nearly everything fancy graphical debuggers can do and with ease.

Just to add, You can have a look at this article. It tells about some nice tricks.

like image 180
Alok Save Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Alok Save