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How can you inherit a generic factory method?



Say you have a class Person, and create a collection class for it by extending e.g. ArrayBuffer:

class Persons extends ArrayBuffer[Person] {
// methods operation on the collection

Now, with ArrayBuffer, can create a collection with the apply() method on the companion object, e.g.:

ArrayBuffer(1, 2, 3)

You want to be able to do the same with Persons, e.g.:

Persons(new Person("John", 32), new Person("Bob", 43))

My first intuition here was to extend the ArrayBuffer companion object and getting the apply() method for free. But it seems that you can't extend objects. (I'm not quite sure why.)

The next idea was to create a Persons object with an apply() method that calls the apply method of ArrayBuffer:

object Persons {
    def apply(ps: Person*) = ArrayBuffer(ps: _*) 

However, this returns an ArrayBuffer[Person] and not a Persons.

After some digging in the scaladoc and source for ArrayBuffer, I came up with the following, which I thought would make the Persons object inherit apply() from GenericCompanion:


object Persons extends SeqFactory[ArrayBuffer] {
    def fromArrayBuffer(ps: ArrayBuffer[Person]) = {
        val persons = new Persons
        persons appendAll ps

    def newBuilder[Person]: Builder[Person, Persons] = new ArrayBuffer[Person] mapResult fromArrayBuffer

However, it gives the following error message:

<console>:24: error: type mismatch;
 found   : (scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Person]) => Persons
 required: (scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer[Person(in method newBuilder)])
=> Persons
        def newBuilder[Person]: Builder[Person, Persons] = new ArrayBuffer[Perso
n] mapResult fromArrayBuffer

Perhaps this should disencourage me from going further, but I'm having a great time learning Scala and I'd really like to get this working. Please tell me if I'm on the wrong track. :)

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Knut Arne Vedaa Avatar asked Jul 30 '10 20:07

Knut Arne Vedaa

2 Answers

Rather than extending ArrayBuffer[Person] directly, you can use the pimp my library pattern. The idea is to make Persons and ArrayBuffer[Person] completely interchangeable.

class Persons(val self: ArrayBuffer[Person]) extends Proxy {
   def names = self map { _.name }

   // ... other methods ...

object Persons {
   def apply(ps: Person*): Persons = ArrayBuffer(ps: _*)

   implicit def toPersons(b: ArrayBuffer[Person]): Persons = new Persons(b)

   implicit def toBuffer(ps: Persons): ArrayBuffer[Person] = ps.self

The implicit conversion in the Persons companion object allows you to use any ArrayBuffer method whenever you have a Persons reference and vice-versa.

For example, you can do

val l = Persons(new Person("Joe"))
(l += new Person("Bob")).names

Note that l is a Persons, but you can call the ArrayBuffer.+= method on it because the compiler will automatically add in a call to Persons.toBuffer(l). The result of the += method is an ArrayBuffer, but you can call Person.names on it because the compiler inserts a call to Persons.toPersons.


You can generalize this solution with higher-kinded types:

class Persons[CC[X] <: Seq[X]](self: CC[Person]) extends Proxy {
   def names = self map (_.name)
   def averageAge = {
      self map (_.age) reduceLeft { _ + _ } / 
            (self.length toDouble)
   // other methods

object Persons {
   def apply(ps: Person*): Persons[ArrayBuffer] = ArrayBuffer(ps: _*)

   implicit def toPersons[CC[X] <: Seq[X]](c: CC[Person]): Persons[CC] =
         new Persons[CC](c)

   implicit def toColl[CC[X] <: Seq[X]](ps: Persons[CC]): CC[Person] = 

This allows you to do things like

List(new Person("Joe", 38), new Person("Bob", 52)).names


val p = Persons(new Person("Jeff", 23))
p += new Person("Sam", 20)

Note that in the latter example, we're calling += on a Persons. This is possible because Persons "remembers" the underlying collection type and allows you to call any method defined in that type (ArrayBuffer in this case, due to the definition of Persons.apply).

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Aaron Novstrup Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 21:09

Aaron Novstrup

Apart from anovstrup's solution, won't the example below do what you want?

case class Person(name: String, age: Int)

class Persons extends ArrayBuffer[Person]

object Persons {
    def apply(ps: Person*) = {
      val persons = new Persons
      persons appendAll(ps)

scala> val ps = Persons(new Person("John", 32), new Person("Bob", 43))
ps: Persons = ArrayBuffer(Person(John,32), Person(Bob,43))

scala> ps.append(new Person("Bill", 50))   

scala> ps
res0: Persons = ArrayBuffer(Person(John,32), Person(Bob,43), Person(Bill,50))
like image 32
Arjan Blokzijl Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 22:09

Arjan Blokzijl