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How can use scrapy shell with url and basic auth credentials?

I want to use scrapy shell and test response data for url which requires basic auth credentials. I tried to check scrapy shell documentation but I couldn't find it there.

I tried with scrapy shell 'http://user:[email protected]' but it didn't work. Does anybody know how I can achieve it?

like image 960
Rohanil Avatar asked Mar 16 '17 02:03


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If you look here, there's an example of a spider that authenticates before scraping. In this case, it handles things in the parse function (the default callback of any request). So, whenever a request is made, the response is checked for the presence of the login form.

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2 Answers

if you want to use only the shell, you could do something like this:

$ scrapy shell

and inside the shell:

>> from w3lib.http import basic_auth_header
>> from scrapy import Request
>> auth = basic_auth_header(your_user, your_password)
>> req = Request(url="http://example.com", headers={'Authorization': auth})
>> fetch(req)

as fetch uses the current request to update the shell session.

like image 123
eLRuLL Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 05:10


Yes with httpauth middleware.

Make sure HTTPAuthMiddleware is enabled in the settings then just define:

class MySpider(CrawSpider):
    http_user = 'username'
    http_pass = 'password'

as class variables in your spider.

Also, you don't need to specify the login credentials in the url if the middleware has been enabled in the settings.

like image 45
Verbal_Kint Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 04:10
