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converting two digit integer into single digit inside a python list?

list1 = [6,10,4,8,2,12,10]

I want to convert all the integers in list1 which are greater than or equal to 10 into a single integer. For example, 10: 1+0=1 , 12: 1+2=3. The output list should be:

list1 = [6,1,4,8,2,3,1]

Can anyone please help me with the logic? The logic I tried so far which is not working:

for itr in list1:
    if ( itr >= 10):
        itr1 = str(itr)
        itr2 = eval(itr[0]+itr[1])
like image 966
kenny Avatar asked Nov 11 '16 22:11


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1 Answers

None of these examples will work if the sum of the first iteration is greater than 10, e.g. 999 -> 27. Interpreting this scenario as 999 -> 27 -> 9, you can use the following function:

>>> def digit_sum(n):
...     while n > 9:
...         n = sum(int(d) for d in str(n))
...     return n
>>> [digit_sum(n) for n in [1, 3, 999, 10, 234, 1234132341]]
[1, 3, 9, 1, 9, 6]

This also assumes that all integers are positive.

like image 84
brianpck Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 21:10
