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Assign op in TensorFlow: what is the return value?

I was trying to build an autoincrementing graph in TensorFlow. I thought that the assign op might be suitable for that, but found no documentation for it.

I assumed that this op returns its value—like in C-like languages—and wrote the following code:

import tensorflow as tf

counter = tf.Variable(0, name="counter")

one = tf.constant(1)
ten = tf.constant(10)

new_counter = tf.add(counter, one)
assign = tf.assign(counter, new_counter)
result = tf.add(assign, ten)

init_op = tf.initialize_all_variables()

with tf.Session() as sess:


  for _ in range(3):

    print sess.run(result)

and this code works.

The question is: is this the expected behavior? Why is the assign op not documented here: https://www.tensorflow.org/versions/0.6.0/api_docs/index.html

Is it a non-recommended op?

like image 782
Dims Avatar asked Feb 02 '16 08:02


People also ask

What is op in TensorFlow?

Ops are say the core of tensorflow . TensorFlow is a programming system in which you represent computations as graphs. Nodes in the graph are called ops (short for operations). An op takes zero or more Tensors, performs some computation, and produces zero or more Tensors.

How do I assign a value in TensorFlow?

Tensorflow variables represent the tensors whose values can be changed by running operations on them. The assign() is the method available in the Variable class which is used to assign the new tf. Tensor to the variable. The new value must have the same shape and dtype as the old Variable value.

How do you get the value of a tf variable?

To get the current value of a variable x in TensorFlow 2, you can simply print it with print(x) . This prints a representation of the tf. Variable object that also shows you its current value.

How do you find the value of tf tensor?

The easiest[A] way to evaluate the actual value of a Tensor object is to pass it to the Session. run() method, or call Tensor. eval() when you have a default session (i.e. in a with tf. Session(): block, or see below).

2 Answers

The tf.assign() operator is the underlying mechanism that implements the Variable.assign() method. It takes a mutable tensor (with tf.*_ref type) and a new value, and returns a mutable tensor that has been updated with the new value. The return value is provided to make it easier to order an assignment before a subsequent read, but this feature is not well documented. An example will hopefully illustrate:

v = tf.Variable(0)
new_v = v.assign(10)
output = v + 5  # `v` is evaluated before or after the assignment.


result, _ = sess.run([output, new_v.op])
print result  # ==> 10 or 15, depending on the order of execution.

v = tf.Variable(0)
new_v = v.assign(10)
output = new_v + 5  # `new_v` is evaluated after the assignment.


result = sess.run([output])
print result  # ==> 15

In your code example the dataflow dependencies enforce the order of execution [read counter] -> new_counter = tf.add(...) -> tf.assign(...) -> [read output of assign] -> result = tf.add(...), which means that the semantics are unambiguous. However, the read-modify-write steps to update the counter are somewhat inefficient, and can have unexpected behavior when there are multiple steps running concurrently. For example, multiple threads accessing the same variable could observe the counter moving backwards (in the case that an older value was written back after a newer value).

I would recommend that you use Variable.assign_add() to update the counter, as follows:

counter = tf.Variable(0, name="counter")

one = tf.constant(1)
ten = tf.constant(10)

# assign_add ensures that the counter always moves forward.
updated_counter = counter.assign_add(one, use_locking=True)

result = tf.add(updated_counter, ten)
# ...
like image 161
mrry Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 13:10


tf.assign() is nicely documented in the latest versions and it is used frequently in the projects.

This operation outputs "ref" after the assignment is done. This makes it easier to chain operations that need to use the reset value.

In easier words it takes your original tensor and a new tensor. It updates original value of your tensor with a new value and returns the reference of your original tensor.

like image 24
Salvador Dali Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 12:10

Salvador Dali