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How can replace string in quotes with string from buffer?




I'm doing the following to copy some text inside quotes and paste it in a different place (inside quotes as well):

copy-string (ex. yi")
paste-to-string (p)

But I want to do it in a simpler way, like this:

like image 518
RusAlex Avatar asked Dec 19 '10 15:12


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2 Answers

For "replace-inner-quotes-to-yanked-text" you can use vi"p.

like image 108
Randy Morris Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Randy Morris

(pulling my comment into its own answer)

Assuming you use vim with system clipboard, you could do the following:

  • "+yi" to copy the text inside quotes to your system clipboard
  • position your cursor inside the quotes where you want to put that text
  • ci"<Ctrl-V><Esc> replaces what's inside the quotes with the content of your clipboard

One benefit is that if you want to put the original text in multiple places, you can place your cursor in the next position and press ..

vi"p, proposed by Randy Morris, works but it replaces the content of your default register and the selection won't be captured in the "do again" command, only the paste.

You could still use the "0 register to access your original text but I haven't found a command that would change inside the quotes and paste in a way that redo maintains.

like image 20
Timothée Boucher Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 00:11

Timothée Boucher