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how can processing.js detect browser's size?


People also ask

What is processing JS used for?

js is a discontinued JavaScript port of Processing, a framework designed to write visualisations, images, and interactive content. It allows web browsers to display animations, visual applications, games and other graphical rich content without the need for a Java applet or Flash plugin.

Is processing JS useful?

Processing. js is a great choice if you already have learned the original processing api (java) and want to leverage your existing knowledge in the web environment. It might be the only choice if you want to port an existing project to the web - actually this is probably the best time to use it.

How do I find my browser width and height?

Find the content area and click to focus on it. Back in the bottom window, click Box Model on the right. The width and height will be shown. The first number is the width.

As mentioned, how can processing.js respond to a browser's size? (responsive design) i've tried screen.width and screen.height but it didn't work well. It seems only detect the size of the computer's screen size.

What's more, i want to keep pace with the window's size when dragged and changed the size of the browser