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How can one parse HTML server-side with Meteor?



I want to be able to scrape links out of an HTML page that I am fetching with the Meteor.http method. Would be ideal to use jQuery on the server-side but I don't think this works.

like image 948
Simon Avatar asked Feb 22 '13 22:02


1 Answers

Consider using cheerio its just like jquery but more for scraping. I have tried to answer this before so I hope I do a better job this time.

its an npm module so first step install it (inside your project dir) with terminal:

meteor add http
cd .meteor
npm install cheerio

So now the code:

You need to use this in your server js/or equivalent

var cheerio = __meteor_bootstrap__.require('cheerio');
last_action: function() {
       $ = cheerio.load(Meteor.http.get("https://github.com/meteor/meteor").content);
       return $('.commit-title').text().trim()      

If you run this from your client side js, you will see the last action on meteors github branch:

Meteor.call("last_action",function(err,result){ console.log(result) } );

I got this as of today/feb 23rd

enter image description here

which the same as on github.com/meteor/meteor

enter image description here

like image 166
Tarang Avatar answered Oct 15 '22 12:10
