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How can one disable the first autoselect in a VS datagridview?

I have created an application in Visual Studio (C#) that makes use of a datagridview. Now, when I assign the DataSource of that datagridview, it automatically selects the first row, and executes my code for selection. Since I frequently reassign that datasource, this is not desireable. Is there any way to change it so it doesn't automatically make that first select, and only relies on the user's selections?


In response to the comment of Darshan Joshi: Apart from the auto-generated code, the only thing altered on the datagridview is setting AutoGenerateColumns to false, and setting the DataSource property. I've placed a MessageBox.Show in my selectionchanged delegate, and it seems it even gets called thrice every time the datasource is set. Once just before the data is loaded, and twice after.

I can't set selected to false on load, since the datasource is set after certain user actions, not on initialization.

like image 838
WafflesTasty Avatar asked Sep 19 '12 12:09


2 Answers

You should call: ClearSelection after event: DataBindingComplete

like image 55
user2272788 Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10


I had the same problem and here is my solution.

The tricky part was finding where to clear the selection... We can only clear the selection after the selection has been set by the DataGridView. At first the selection is only ready to be cleared in the Form.Load event, but subsiquent settings of the DataGridView.DataSource the selection is ready to be cleared straight after the DataSource assignment.

public class DataGridView_AutoSelectSuppressed : DataGridView
    private bool SuppressAutoSelection { get; set; }

    public DataGridView_AutoSelectSuppressed() : base()
        SuppressAutoSelection = true;

    public new /*shadowing*/ object DataSource
            return base.DataSource;
            SuppressAutoSelection = true;
            Form parent = this.FindForm();

            // Either the selection gets cleared on form load....
            parent.Load -= parent_Load;
            parent.Load += parent_Load;

            base.DataSource = value;

            // ...or it gets cleared straight after the DataSource is set

    protected override void OnSelectionChanged(EventArgs e)
        if (SuppressAutoSelection)


    private void ClearSelectionAndResetSuppression()
        if (this.SelectedRows.Count > 0 || this.SelectedCells.Count > 0)
            SuppressAutoSelection = false;

    private void parent_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

Hope this helps.

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PunkUnicorn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
