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How can i wait until all celery tasks are finished before continuing my code




I have a large csv file that I split into a list of chunks of 100000 rows each, pass each chunk to a function to do complex calculations, and append the result in a global_list. when the last chunk is finished, i take the global_list and do some statistic on. How can i ask celery to process all chunks in parallel but to wait until last task/last chunk is finished before executing the function complex_calc on the global_list?

Thank you for your help

for chunk in global_chunk_list:
   def func_calc.delay(chunk) #<<<<< use celery tasks

complex_calc(global_list) #<<<<< should only start when processing last chunk is finished 

def func_calc(chunk):
  #save chunk in a global list

def complex_calc(global_list):
like image 818
Gerard Avatar asked Mar 05 '23 07:03


1 Answers

The appropriate method is to use Groups and the join method to wait on a set of parallel tasks to finish executing.

task_group = group([func_calc.s(chunk) for chunk in global_chunk_list])
result_group = task_group.apply_async()
results = result_group.join()  # wait for all results

See also the example from the docs. (One difference is using join rather than get, which waits for the tasks to finish) See also this answer.

>>> from celery import group
>>> from tasks import add

>>> job = group([
...             add.s(2, 2),
...             add.s(4, 4),
...             add.s(8, 8),
...             add.s(16, 16),
...             add.s(32, 32),
... ])

>>> result = job.apply_async()

>>> result.ready()  # have all subtasks completed?
>>> result.successful() # were all subtasks successful?
>>> result.get()
[4, 8, 16, 32, 64]

To do this effectively, you'll need to have a result backend configured.

like image 64
sytech Avatar answered Apr 26 '23 07:04
