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How can I view the metadata for a Microsoft Access 2013 table?

How can I view the metadata(data dictionary) for a Microsoft Access 2013 table?

like image 907
yesman Avatar asked Jul 06 '14 04:07


People also ask

What is a metadata in Access?

Data that provide information about other data. Metadata summarizes basic information about data, making finding & working with particular instances of data easier. Metadata can be created manually to be more accurate, or automatically and contain more basic information.

How do I view field properties in Access?

In the Navigation Pane, locate and double-click the table that you want to change. Access opens the table in Datasheet view. Select the field (the column) that you want to change. On the Fields tab, in the Properties group, click the arrow in the drop-down list next to Data Type, and then select a data type.

How do you display all table contents in Access?

Answer: To view all objects in the Navigation Pane, click on the Navigation Pane menu and select "All Access Objects" from the popup menu. Now the Navigation Pane should display all of the tables, queries, forms, reports, and modules that are in your database.

1 Answers

If you want to retrieve the access database metadata this may be helpful:

Every microsoft access database contains a system table named MSysObjects. This tables contains this database metadata. You can get all objects with there creation date and last update date.

You can list all Objects in an Access Database using the following query:

SELECT Name, DateCreate, DateUpdate,   
 iif(LEFT(Name, 4) = 'MSys','System Table', 
 iif(type = 2,'System Object',  
 iif(type = 3,'System Object', 
 iif(type = 8,'System Object',  
 iif(type = 4,'Linked Table (ODBC)', 
 iif(type = 1,'Table',  
 iif(type = 6, 'Linked Table (MsAccess/MsExcel)', 
 iif(type = 5,'Query',  
 iif(type = -32768,'Form', 
 iif(type = -32764,'Report',  
 iif(type = -32761,'Module',  
 iif(type = -32756,'Page',  
 iif(type = -32758,'User','Unknown')))))))))))))) as ObjectType 
  FROM MSysObjects WHERE LEFT(Name, 1) <> '~' 

If you don't want to show system objects you can add these conditions to the where clause:

AND LEFT(Name, 4) <> 'MSys' AND Type IN (1, 5, 4, 6,  -32768, -32764, -32766, -32761,-32756,-32758)

enter image description here

Also i created an application that retrieve data from access database, Which i created a new Git-repository for it

like image 59
Hadi Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 08:10
