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How can I view all the JIRA tickets I'm watching?


I clicked watcher for many JIRA tickets, but I can't find a filter that shows me all the tickets I am watching. Can someone direct me to the right link or filter to look.

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Mariam P Avatar asked Aug 25 '17 07:08

Mariam P

People also ask

How do I see what I'm watching in Jira?

How to see who is watching an issue in Jira. If you have the appropriate permissions then you can see the watcher list on the right when looking at the “View issue” page. If you click on the number displayed to the right of “Watchers”, then you can see all the individual watchers.

How do I see activity history in Jira?

To view activity details: Open the Jira site you want to manage, and then select > User management. If you administer multiple sites, you can alternatively go to admin.atlassian.com and choose the appropriate site. Find the user whose activity you want to check in the table.

1 Answers

Type in the Jira issues search (Issues > Search for issues): key in watchedIssues()

or go directly to the URL, like to your JIRA domain http://<your-jira-domain>/jira/issues/?jql=key%20in%20watchedIssues()

There is also a gadget you can add to your JIRA homepage (dashboard): Watched Issues

From the top right button "add gadget", then on the pop-pup search for "watched" and you will get it.

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A_Di-Matteo Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 03:10
