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VSCode split editor move file instead of copy


I have recently moved to Visual Studio Code and have a question that I have found an answer for.

When I split the editor it shows the focused file on both sides of the split.

I want the focused file to be moved with the split rather than showing a duplicate view.

Is there a setting or an extension that I can use to do this split / move?

like image 340
Walkerbo Avatar asked Mar 19 '18 00:03


People also ask

How do I move a selection in VS Code?

For moving the text right and left you can use TAB key: TAB move the selected text right. SHIFT + TAB move the selected text left.

How do you move something to the left in VS Code?

To move the text to the left, press Shift+Tab. To move the text to the left, click Edit > Shift Left.

How do you unsplit editor in VS Code?

From the Window menu, select Remove Split.

2 Answers

Try the Move Editor into next Group command:

{   "key": "ctrl+cmd+right",   "command": "workbench.action.moveEditorToNextGroup" } 
like image 93
Matt Bierner Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 22:10

Matt Bierner

on mac default shortcut is:

control+command+ -> or <- arrow ;-)

like image 37
marcin Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10
