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How can i use haskell to check if a list contains the values in a tuple



I am writing some functions for graphs in Haskell, and I want to check if a list of integers, such as

[1,4, 5, 7]

contains vertices that make an edge, which i have represented as a tuple, like so


Im trying to take a function that takes the list and the tuple, and in this case would return true, because the list contains a 1 and a 5. The main issue i am having is that im really not sure how to search a list in Haskell. Is their a function that takes a list of type [a] and a value of type a, and returns a Bool, depending on whether [a] contains a?

like image 284
Ben313 Avatar asked Mar 08 '12 20:03


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2 Answers

There is a function to check whether a value is in a list,

elem :: Eq a => a -> [a] -> Bool

Using that, your function is easily defined.

containsEdge :: [Int] -> (Int,Int) -> Bool
xs `containsEdge` (a,b) = (a `elem` xs) && (b `elem` xs)
like image 141
Daniel Fischer Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 06:10

Daniel Fischer

The elem function does that :

elem 1 [1,3,4]

will give True. Though this function is often used as an infix operator by surrounding it with backticks :

1 `elem` [1,4,5,7]

On the other hand, for big sets, that is not a very good idea (O(n) complexity), and you should use Set (or even IntSet if your elements are integers) instead of lists.

like image 24
Jedai Avatar answered Oct 24 '22 07:10
