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How can I use Gulp to add a line of text to a file

I've been trying to figure out how to add a line of text to any type of file using Gulp.

For instance add:

@import 'plugins'

to my main.sass file.

Or add a CDN to an index.html file.

I did try:

gulp.task('inject-plugins', function(){
    .pipe(inject.after('// Add Imports', '\n@import \'plugins\'\n'));

with no joy. Any idea how I could achieve this please?

like image 463
Darryl Morley Avatar asked Jul 14 '16 12:07

Darryl Morley

People also ask

What does gulp src do?

The src() and dest() methods are exposed by gulp to interact with files on your computer. src() is given a glob to read from the file system and produces a Node stream. It locates all matching files and reads them into memory to pass through the stream.

What is pipe in gulp?

The flow of data will be automatically managed so that the destination Writable stream is not overwhelmed by a faster Readable stream. So in Gulp you can chain multiple tasks together using the pipe() method. Gulp makes use of streams. There are readable and writeable streams.

How do I replace gulp?

If you want to do the replacement in all files it's easy to change your task like this: var replace = require('gulp-replace'); gulp. task('scripts', ['clean-js'], function () { return gulp.

1 Answers

Depends on what you want to do.

If you just want to add text to the beginning or end of a file gulp-header and gulp-footer are your friends:

var header = require('gulp-header');
var footer = require('gulp-footer');

gulp.task('add-text-to-beginning', function() {
  return gulp.src('src/css/main.sass')
    .pipe(header('@import \'plugins\'\n'))

gulp.task('add-text-to-end', function() {
  return gulp.src('src/css/main.sass')
    .pipe(footer('@import \'plugins\''))

If you have some kind of "anchor" text in your file you can use gulp-replace:

var replace = require('gulp-replace');

gulp.task('replace-text', function() {
  var anchor = '// Add Imports';
  return gulp.src('src/css/main.sass')
    .pipe(replace(anchor, anchor + '\n@import \'plugins\'\n'))

Finally there's the swiss army knife of vinyl file manipulation: map-stream. This gives you direct access to file contents and allows you to do any kind of string manipulation that you can think of in JavaScript:

var map = require('map-stream');

gulp.task('change-text', function() {
  return gulp.src('src/css/main.sass')
    .pipe(map(function(file, cb) {
      var fileContents = file.contents.toString();
      // --- do any string manipulation here ---
      fileContents = fileContents.replace(/foo/, 'bar');
      fileContents = 'First line\n' + fileContents;
      // ---------------------------------------
      file.contents = new Buffer(fileContents);
      cb(null, file);
like image 198
Sven Schoenung Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 19:09

Sven Schoenung