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How can I use Esri Arcgis Map in ReactJs Project?

I'm trying to use Esri map. To include map in my project, here is what I found:


But there isn't any esri folder or npm package. Therefore, I'm confused here. How esri is imported in project?

like image 412
Muhammad Ateeq Azam Avatar asked Oct 11 '16 22:10

Muhammad Ateeq Azam

2 Answers

Use esri-loader to load the required esri modules. This is a component rendering basemap.

import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { loadModules } from 'esri-loader';

const options = {
  url: 'https://js.arcgis.com/4.6/'

const styles =  {
  container: {
    height: '100vh',
    width: '100vw'
  mapDiv: {
    padding: 0,
    margin: 0,
    height: '100%',
    width: '100%'

class BaseMap extends Component {

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      status: 'loading'

  componentDidMount() {
    loadModules(['esri/Map', 'esri/views/MapView'], options)
      .then(([Map, MapView]) => {
        const map = new Map({ basemap: "streets" });
        const view = new MapView({
          container: "viewDiv",
          zoom: 15,
          center: [78.4867, 17.3850]
        view.then(() => {
            status: 'loaded'


  renderMap() {
    if(this.state.status === 'loading') {
      return <div>loading</div>;

  render() {

          <div style={styles.container}>
            <div id='viewDiv' style={ styles.mapDiv } >

export default BaseMap;

This renders a base map but this is not responsive. If I remove the div around the view div or if I give the height and width of the outer div (surrounding viewDiv) as relative ({ height: '100%', width: '100%'}), the map does not render. No idea why. Any suggestions to make it responsive would be appreciated.

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sruthi Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10


An alternative method to the above is the one demonstrated in esri-react-router-example. That application uses a library called esri-loader to lazy load the ArcGIS API only in components/routes where it is needed. Example:

First, install the esri-loader libary:

npm install esri-loader --save

Then import the esri-loader functions in any react module:

import * as esriLoader from 'esri-loader'

Then lazy load the ArcGIS API:

componentDidMount () {
  if (!esriLoader.isLoaded()) {
    // lazy load the arcgis api
    const options = {
      // use a specific version instead of latest 4.x
      url: '//js.arcgis.com/3.18compact/'
    esriLoader.bootstrap((err) => {
      if (err) {
      // now that the arcgis api has loaded, we can create the map
    }, options)
  } else {
    // arcgis api is already loaded, just create the map

Then load and the ArcGIS API's (Dojo) modules that are needed to create a map:

_createMap () {
  // get item id from route params or use default
  const itemId = this.props.params.itemId || '8e42e164d4174da09f61fe0d3f206641'
  // require the map class
  esriLoader.dojoRequire(['esri/arcgis/utils'], (arcgisUtils) => {
    // create a map at a DOM node in this component
    arcgisUtils.createMap(itemId, this.refs.map)
    .then((response) => {
      // hide the loading indicator
      // and show the map title
      // NOTE: this will trigger a rerender
        mapLoaded: true,
        item: response.itemInfo.item

The benefit of using esri-loader over the approach shown above is that you don't have to use the Dojo loader and toolchain to load and build your entire application. You can use the React toolchain of your choice (webpack, etc).

This blog post explains how this approach works and compares it to other (similar) approaches used in applications like esri-redux.

like image 30
Tom Wayson Avatar answered Oct 07 '22 17:10

Tom Wayson