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Bluebird promisify and callback with no error argument

I'm trying to promisify a 3rd party library that doesn't use the callback(err, data) pattern. Instead they always return callback(data) and throw on errors.


var p = Promise.defer();
    .catch(function (err)
        console.error('error occured', err);

return p.promise;

What is a nice way to wrap such a behavior with promises and still have it look ok and allow to catch the thrown error? The catch clause doesn't trigger and the application crashes.

like image 699
Madd0g Avatar asked Jun 12 '14 22:06


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If the callback function returns non-error output, we resolve the Promise with the output. Let's start by converting a callback to a promise for a function that accepts a fixed number of parameters: const fs = require('fs'); const readFile = (fileName, encoding) => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { fs.

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1 Answers

From Bluebird 2.1 on, you can now customize promisifyAll with a custom promisification handler:

function noErrPromisifier(originalMethod){
    return function promisified() {
         var args = [].slice.call(arguments); // might want to use smarter
         var self = this                      // promisification if performance critical
         return new Promise(function(resolve,reject){
             originalMethod.apply(self,args); // call with arguments

var horse = Promise.promisifyAll(require("horse"), {
    promisifier: noErrPromisifier

     // Can use here, ow promisified normally.

If the original method throws asynchronously, there is really no way around wrapping it in a domain, although I've never seen a library that acts that poorly.

like image 123
Benjamin Gruenbaum Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 16:09

Benjamin Gruenbaum