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How can I use Bit-Fields to save memory?




This is about ANSI-C (C90). This is what I know:

  • I can directly tell the compiler how many bits I want for a specific variable.
  • If I want 1 bit which can have the values zero or one.
  • or 2 bits for the values 0,1,2,3, and so on...;

I'm familiar with the syntax.

I have problem concerning bitfields:

  • I want to define a SET structure.
  • It can have maximum 1024 elements (it can have less, but the maximum is 1024 elements).
  • The domain of the set is from 1 to 1024. So an element could have any value 1-1024.

I'm trying to create a structure for a SET, and it must be efficient as possible for the memory part.

I tried:

typedef struct set
    unsigned int var: 1;
} SET;
//now define an array of SETS
SET array_of_sets[MAX_SIZE]  //didn't define MAX_SIZE, but no more than 1024 elements in each set.

I know this isn't efficient; maybe it's even not good for what I want. That's why I'm looking for help.

like image 362
idan di Avatar asked Jun 28 '15 06:06

idan di

3 Answers

As noted in extensive comments, using a bit field is not the way to go. You can use just 128 bytes of storage for your set containing values 1..1024. You will need to map the value N to bit N-1 (so you have bits 0..1023 to work with). You also need to decide on the operations you need for your set. This code supports 'create', 'destroy', 'insert', 'delete' and 'in_set'. It does not support iteration over the elements in the set; that can be added if you want it.



typedef struct Set Set;
enum { MAX_ELEMENTS = 1024 };

extern Set *create(void);
extern void destroy(Set *set);
extern void insert(Set *set, int value);
extern void delete(Set *set, int value);
extern int in_set(Set *set, int value);

#endif /* SETS_H_INCLUDED */


#include "sets.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

typedef unsigned long Bits;
#define BITS_C(n)  ((Bits)(n))
enum { ARRAY_SIZE = MAX_ELEMENTS / (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT) };

struct Set
     Bits set[ARRAY_SIZE];

Set *create(void)
    Set *set = malloc(sizeof(*set));
    if (set != 0)
        memset(set, 0, sizeof(*set));
    return set;

void destroy(Set *set)

void insert(Set *set, int value)
    assert(value >= 1 && value <= MAX_ELEMENTS);
    value--;  /* 0..1023 */
    int index = value / (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
    int bitnum = value % (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
    Bits mask = BITS_C(1) << bitnum;
    /* printf("I: %d (%d:%d:0x%.2lX)\n", value+1, index, bitnum, mask); */
    set->set[index] |= mask;

void delete(Set *set, int value)
    assert(value >= 1 && value <= MAX_ELEMENTS);
    value--;  /* 0..1023 */
    int index = value / (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
    int bitnum = value % (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
    Bits mask = BITS_C(1) << bitnum;
    /* printf("D: %d (%d:%d:0x%.2lX)\n", value+1, index, bitnum, mask); */
    set->set[index] &= ~mask;

/* C90 does not support <stdbool.h> */
int in_set(Set *set, int value)
    assert(value >= 1 && value <= MAX_ELEMENTS);
    value--;  /* 0..1023 */
    int index = value / (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
    int bitnum = value % (sizeof(Bits) * CHAR_BIT);
    Bits mask = BITS_C(1) << bitnum;
    /* printf("T: %d (%d:%d:0x%.2lX) = %d\n", value+1, index, bitnum, mask,
              (set->set[index] & mask) != 0); */
    return (set->set[index] & mask) != 0;

#include <stdio.h>

enum { NUMBERS_PER_LINE = 15 };

int main(void)
    Set *set = create();
    if (set != 0)
        int i;
        int n = 0;
        for (i = 1; i <= MAX_ELEMENTS; i += 4)
             insert(set, i);
        for (i = 3; i <= MAX_ELEMENTS; i += 6)
             delete(set, i);

        for (i = 1; i <= MAX_ELEMENTS; i++)
             if (in_set(set, i))
                 printf(" %4d", i);
                 if (++n % NUMBERS_PER_LINE == 0)
                     n = 0;
        if (n % NUMBERS_PER_LINE != 0)
    return 0;

The functions should really be given a systematic prefix, such as set_. The BITS_C macro is based on the INT64_C macro (and the other related macros) defined in <stdint.h> in C99 and later, which is also not a part of C90.

like image 138
Jonathan Leffler Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11

Jonathan Leffler

As per my previous comments, here is an example of how you can pack eight 1-bit elements into one char physical element. I have only implemented the function to get the value of a 1-bit element, I leave the function to set it to you (it's easy to do).

Note: you can easily change the type of the array element (unsigned char) and experiment with types which can hold more bits (e.g unsigned int) and test if they perform better in terms of speed. You can also modify the code to make it handle elements bigger than one bit.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h>

unsigned int get_el(unsigned char* array, unsigned int index)
    unsigned int bits_per_arr_el = sizeof(unsigned char)*CHAR_BIT;
    unsigned int arr_index = index / bits_per_arr_el;
    unsigned int bit_offset = index % bits_per_arr_el;
    unsigned int bitmask = 1 << bit_offset;
    unsigned int retval;

    // printf("index=%u\n", index);
    // printf("bits_per_arr_el=%u\n", bits_per_arr_el);
    // printf("arr_index=%u\n", arr_index);
    // printf("bit_offset=%u\n", bit_offset);

    retval = array[arr_index] & bitmask ? 1 : 0; // can be simpler if only True/False is needed

#define MAX_SIZE 10
unsigned char bitarray[MAX_SIZE];

int main()
    bitarray[1] = 3; // 00000011
    printf("array[7]=%u, array[8]=%u, array[9]=%u, array[10]=%u\n",
            get_el(bitarray, 7),
            get_el(bitarray, 8),
            get_el(bitarray, 9),

    return 0;


array[7]=0, array[8]=1, array[9]=1, array[10]=0
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Pynchia Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11


typedef struct set
    unsigned short var:10; // uint var:1 will be padded to 32 bits
} SET;                     // ushort var:10 (which is max<=1024) padded to 16 bits

As was commented by @Jonathan Leffler use array(unsigned short[]) and define bitmasks

#define bitZer 0x00  //(unsigned)(0 == 0)? true:true;
#define bitOne 0x10  // so from (both inclusive)0-1023 = 1024
...                  // added for clarification  
#define bitTen 0x0A

to look into the bits of each element. http://www.catb.org/esr/structure-packing/ detailed

like image 1
EpiGen Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 04:11
