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How can I tell if a Javascript object is a File?

I have a function that manipulates an object that contains an "upload" member that is of type File. I would like to detect that fact so that I can ignore it and skip over all objects of this type.

I tried a bunch of things in the console, but nothing seems to return "true". Here's a transcript of my futile attempts from inside a console breakpoint:

> values.avatar
{upload: File}
> values.avatar.upload
File {name: "29_Drawing Hands by Escher.jpg", lastModified: 1446580115000, lastModifiedDate: Tue Nov 03 2015 14:48:35 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time), webkitRelativePath: "", size: 1314300, …}
> values.avatar.upload.isPrototypeOf(File)
> File
ƒ File() { [native code] }
> File.prototype
File {constructor: ƒ, …}
> values.avatar.upload.prototype 
> File.isPrototypeOf
ƒ isPrototypeOf() { [native code] }
> File
ƒ File() { [native code] }
> values.avatar
{upload: File}
> File
ƒ File() { [native code] }
> File.__proto__
ƒ Blob() { [native code] }
> values.avatar.upload.__proto__
File {constructor: ƒ, …}
> values.avatar.upload.isPrototypeOf(Blob.__proto__)

Clearly I lack a fundamental understanding of how native types and prototypes work in Javascript.

like image 247
George Everitt Avatar asked Mar 03 '19 18:03

George Everitt

2 Answers

You can check it using instanceof keyword.

if (values.avatar.upload instanceof File)
  // yes, it's a File type.
  // no, it's not.
like image 120
Praveen Kumar Purushothaman Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Praveen Kumar Purushothaman


values.avatar.upload instanceof File 
like image 28
Hrishi Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
