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Firebase Filter by Date

My data:


I am looking for a way to filter the dates using a custom date range. I've seen some examples online where they have queried for date, but the timestamp has always been the key which isn't possible in my case. I have tried the below code and it didn't work.

  var rootRef1 = firebase.database().ref().child("Users").orderByChild('type')

    rootRef1.on("child_added",snap => {
     var name=snap.child("fullname").val();
    var email= snap.child("email").val();
     var address= snap.child("address").val();
     var contact= snap.child("contact").val();
     var status=snap.child("status").val();
     var type=snap.child("type").val();
     var date=snap.child("regdate").val();

This does not seem to work. Any ideas?

like image 873
Vincent Dave Navares Te Avatar asked Jan 13 '19 17:01

Vincent Dave Navares Te

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1 Answers

You're trying to filter on date values, but you're ordering on type That's not how Firebase Database queries work: you always first order on a property/value, and then filter on that same property/value.

So to order/filter on regdate:


Note that I also changed endat to endAt (with an uppercase A). The endat you had, will give a syntax error.

You're now ending at 2019-01-10. Since your actual values include a time, they will all fall right after this value. If you also want to include the users who registered on 2019-01-10 itself, use:

  .startAt("2019-01-05").endAt("2019-01-10 23:59:59");
like image 167
Frank van Puffelen Avatar answered Nov 10 '22 06:11

Frank van Puffelen