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How can i store the result of a comparison into a variable



I want to print a simple statement print (1=1), i expect the result to be TRUE or 1 but sql server tell me: Incorrect syntax near '='. why is that?

Same will happen for a statement like that

declare @test bit
set @test = (1=1)

in summary how can i "see" what is returned from a comparison without using an IF statement

Update: The reason i'm asking is because i'm trying to debug why the following statement

declare @AgingAmount smallint
set @AgingAmount = 500
select Amount, datediff(day,Batch.SubmitDate,getdate()) as Aging from myreporrt
where datediff(day,Batch.SubmitDate,getdate()) > @AgingAmount

will return all rows even with aging of 300 so i wanted to test if datediff(day,datesubmited,getdate()) > 500 returns true or false but could not find a way how to display the result of this comparison.

like image 689
Shrage Smilowitz Avatar asked Jan 24 '10 17:01

Shrage Smilowitz

1 Answers

Although SQL Server has the concept of aboolean type, and it understands expressions that resolve to a boolean in IF and WHERE clauses, it does not support declaring boolean variables or parameters. The bit data type cannot store the result of a boolean expression directly, even though it looks suspiciously like one.

The nearest you can get to a boolean data type is this:

-- Store the result of a boolean test.
declare @result bit
select @result = case when <boolean expression> then 1 else 0 end

-- Make use of the above result somewhere else.
if @result = 1

To add to the confusion, SQL Server Management Studio treats bit like boolean when displaying results, and ADO.NET maps bit to System.Boolean when passing data back and forth.

Update: To answer your latest question, use the case when ... then 1 else 0 end syntax in the select statement.

like image 157
Christian Hayter Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 07:10

Christian Hayter