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How to show hierarchy row like parent child using SQL query

I am using blog comments in my application where I insert every comment row in one table so if any of them reply on a particular comment that on clicked commentid I am inserting as replyid in new row.

Below is the Screen shot:

Table picture

Here you can see for commentid 24 and 26 is having replycommentid 23. I need a query to show 24 and 26 just after 23. Because 23 is the parent of 24 and 26.

Here is the setup script for table layout and sample data:

USE [myDB]
/****** Object:  Table [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails]    Script Date: 11/12/2016 6:36:04 PM ******/
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails](
    [CommentID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
    [CommentUserName] [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL,
    [CommentText] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
    [CommentApprovedByUserID] [int] NULL,
    [CommentPostDocumentID] [int] NOT NULL,
    [CommentDate] [datetime] NULL DEFAULT (getdate()),
    [HtmlComment] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
    [CommentIsSpam] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DEFAULT_Blog_MainComment_CommentIsSpam]  DEFAULT ((0)),
    [CommentIsApproved] [bit] NULL CONSTRAINT [DEFAULT_Blog_MainComment_CommentIsApproved]  DEFAULT ((0)),
    [CommentEmail] [nvarchar](250) NULL,
    [CommentInfo] [nvarchar](max) NULL,
    [ReplyCommentID] [int] NULL

SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ON 

INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ([CommentID], [CommentUserName], [CommentText], [CommentApprovedByUserID], [CommentPostDocumentID], [CommentDate], [HtmlComment], [CommentIsSpam], [CommentIsApproved], [CommentEmail], [CommentInfo], [ReplyCommentID]) VALUES (22, N'Vikash', N'This is main comment', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2016-11-12 17:36:25.637' AS DateTime), N'<div class="main-comment-section"><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12"><div class="post-comment-section"><p id="pCommentorName"><span id="sCommentorName" class="blogcommentname">Vikash</span><span id="sBlogPostedDate">Nov12,2016 5:35PM</span></p><p class="comment-detail" id="pBlogCommentDetails">This is main comment</p><div class="comment-reply"><ul><li><img src="assets/svg/components/blog-detail/icon_reply.svg" alt="Reply comment icon"><a class="joinus-link" id="btnComment" href="#" target="_self">::blogdetailsReply</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div>', 0, 1, N'[email protected]', NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ([CommentID], [CommentUserName], [CommentText], [CommentApprovedByUserID], [CommentPostDocumentID], [CommentDate], [HtmlComment], [CommentIsSpam], [CommentIsApproved], [CommentEmail], [CommentInfo], [ReplyCommentID]) VALUES (23, N'Megha k', N'This is reply comment', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2016-11-12 17:39:04.250' AS DateTime), N'<div class="reply-comment-section"><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12"><div class="post-comment-section"><p id="pBlogReplyCommentorName"><span id="sReplyCommentorName" class="blogcommentname">Megha k</span><span id="sBlogReplyCommentDate">Nov12,2016 5:38PM</span></p><p class="comment-detail" id="pBlogReplyCommentDetails">This is reply comment</p><div class="comment-reply"><ul><li><img class="contributors-list" src="assets/svg/components/blog-detail/icon_reply.svg" alt="Reply comment icon"><a class="joinus-link" id="btnCommentReply" href="#" target="_self">::blogdetailsReply</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div>', 0, 1, N'[email protected]', NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ([CommentID], [CommentUserName], [CommentText], [CommentApprovedByUserID], [CommentPostDocumentID], [CommentDate], [HtmlComment], [CommentIsSpam], [CommentIsApproved], [CommentEmail], [CommentInfo], [ReplyCommentID]) VALUES (24, N'Siddappa H', N'This is reply text.', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2016-11-12 17:39:58.847' AS DateTime), N'<div class="main-comment-section"><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12"><div class="post-comment-section"><p id="pCommentorName"><span id="sCommentorName" class="blogcommentname">Siddappa H</span><span id="sBlogPostedDate">Nov12,2016 5:39PM</span></p><p class="comment-detail" id="pBlogCommentDetails">This is reply text.</p><div class="comment-reply"><ul><li><img src="assets/svg/components/blog-detail/icon_reply.svg" alt="Reply comment icon"><a class="joinus-link" id="btnComment" href="#" target="_self">::blogdetailsReply</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div>', 0, 1, N'[email protected]', NULL, 23)
INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ([CommentID], [CommentUserName], [CommentText], [CommentApprovedByUserID], [CommentPostDocumentID], [CommentDate], [HtmlComment], [CommentIsSpam], [CommentIsApproved], [CommentEmail], [CommentInfo], [ReplyCommentID]) VALUES (25, N'Suresh P', N'This is reply comment', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2016-11-12 17:40:44.470' AS DateTime), N'<div class="reply-comment-section"><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12"><div class="post-comment-section"><p id="pBlogReplyCommentorName"><span id="sReplyCommentorName" class="blogcommentname">Suresh P</span><span id="sBlogReplyCommentDate">Nov12,2016 5:40PM</span></p><p class="comment-detail" id="pBlogReplyCommentDetails">This is reply comment</p><div class="comment-reply"><ul><li><img class="contributors-list" src="assets/svg/components/blog-detail/icon_reply.svg" alt="Reply comment icon"><a class="joinus-link" id="btnCommentReply" href="#" target="_self">::blogdetailsReply</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div>', 0, 1, N'[email protected]', NULL, NULL)
INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ([CommentID], [CommentUserName], [CommentText], [CommentApprovedByUserID], [CommentPostDocumentID], [CommentDate], [HtmlComment], [CommentIsSpam], [CommentIsApproved], [CommentEmail], [CommentInfo], [ReplyCommentID]) VALUES (26, N'Vikash', N'This is reply text', NULL, 1, CAST(N'2016-11-12 17:41:44.673' AS DateTime), N'<div class="reply-comment-section"><div class="row"><div class="col-xs-12"><div class="post-comment-section"><p id="pBlogReplyCommentorName"><span id="sReplyCommentorName" class="blogcommentname">Vikash</span><span id="sBlogReplyCommentDate">Nov12,2016 5:40PM</span></p><p class="comment-detail" id="pBlogReplyCommentDetails">This is reply text</p><div class="comment-reply"><ul><li><img class="contributors-list" src="assets/svg/components/blog-detail/icon_reply.svg" alt="Reply comment icon"><a class="joinus-link" id="btnCommentReply" href="#" target="_self">::blogdetailsReply</a></li></ul></div></div></div></div></div>', 0, 1, N'[email protected]', NULL, 23)
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] OFF

All suggestions are welcome!

I added three insert query also in below:

Valex, please insert this query in the table which is "INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ([CommentID], [CommentUserName], [CommentText], [CommentApprovedByUserID], [CommentPostDocumentID], [CommentDate], [HtmlComment], [CommentIsSpam], [CommentIsApproved], [CommentEmail], [CommentInfo], [ReplyCommentID], [IsRejected]) VALUES (58, N'Vicky', N'Test', 0, 1, CAST(N'2016-12-02 11:51:07.270' AS DateTime), N'VickyDec2,2016 11:47AM

', 0, 1, N'[email protected]', NULL, NULL,0) GO INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ([CommentID], [CommentUserName], [CommentText], [CommentApprovedByUserID], [CommentPostDocumentID], [CommentDate], [HtmlComment], [CommentIsSpam], [CommentIsApproved], [CommentEmail], [CommentInfo], [ReplyCommentID]) VALUES (61, N'Billu', N'This is comment test', 0, 1, CAST(N'2016-12-02 12:35:40.220' AS DateTime), N'BilluDec2,2016 12:34PMThis is comment test
', 0, 1, N'[email protected]', NULL, 58) GO INSERT [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] ([CommentID], [CommentUserName], [CommentText], [CommentApprovedByUserID], [CommentPostDocumentID], [CommentDate], [HtmlComment], [CommentIsSpam], [CommentIsApproved], [CommentEmail], [CommentInfo], [ReplyCommentID]) VALUES (62, N'Rakesh', N'This is rakesh test', 0, 1, CAST(N'2016-12-02 12:37:42.133' AS DateTime), N'RakeshDec2,2016 12:36PMThis is rakesh test
', 0, 1, N'[email protected]', NULL, 58)

I am editing my question now. Please check the screen shot below: TableStructure

I used the query which is below:


                     CommentPostDocumentID ,
                     CommentDate ,
                     ReplyCommentID ,
                     CommentID AS ThreadID ,
                     CAST( CommentID AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS PathStr
              FROM Blog_CommentDetails AS T WITH(NOLOCK)
              WHERE ReplyCommentID IS NULL
              UNION ALL
              SELECT T.CommentID ,

                     t.CommentPostDocumentID ,
                     T.CommentDate ,
                     T.ReplyCommentID ,
                     CTE.ThreadID ,
                     PathStr + '-'+ CAST( T.ReplyCommentID AS VARCHAR( MAX ) ) AS PathStr
              FROM Blog_CommentDetails AS T WITH(NOLOCK)
              JOIN CTE 
              ON T.ReplyCommentID = CTE.CommentID
              WHERE T.ReplyCommentID IS NOT NULL )
            SELECT *
            FROM CTE
            WHERE CommentPostDocumentID = 18 AND CommentIsApproved=1
            ORDER BY ThreadID ,
                        PathStr ,
                        CommentDate DESC

Below is the image for showing comment: enter image description here

Below is the expected structure:

  1. Vikash comment
  2. Sid is replied on vikash comment.
  3. Megha is commented on vikash so megha comment is up than Sid under parent Vikash.
  4. QE replied on Megha comment so he should be up than Sid but it is in last row.
like image 438
Vikash Avatar asked Nov 12 '16 12:11


People also ask

How do I get parent and child hierarchy in SQL?

For SQL to do anything with it, a parent-child tree structure has to be stored in a relational database. These structures are usually stored in one table with two ID columns, of which one references a parent object ID. That lets us determine the hierarchy between data.

How do I create a hierarchy query in SQL Server?

Use hierarchyid as a data type to create tables with a hierarchical structure, or to describe the hierarchical structure of data that is stored in another location. Use the hierarchyid functions in Transact-SQL to query and manage hierarchical data.

1 Answers

If you want either the full hierarchy or even a portion of it, with the proper sequence

EDIT - Removed Concat() for 2008

Declare @Top  int = 23 --null             --<<  Sets top of Hier Try 23
Declare @Nest varchar(25) ='|-----'  --<<  Optional: Added for readability

;with cteP as (
      Select Seq  = cast(1000+Row_Number() over (Order by CommentID) as varchar(500))
      From   [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails]
      Where  IsNull(@Top,-1) = case when @Top is null then isnull(ReplyCommentID,-1) else CommentID end
      Union  All
      Select Seq  = cast(p.Seq+'.'+cast(1000+Row_Number() over (Order by r.CommentID) as varchar(25)) as varchar(500))
      From   [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] r 
      Join   cteP p on r.ReplyCommentID = p.CommentID)
     ,cteR1 as (Select *,R1=Row_Number() over (Order By Seq) From cteP)
     ,cteR2 as (Select A.Seq,A.CommentID,R2=Max(B.R1) From cteR1 A Join cteR1 B on (B.Seq like A.Seq+'%') Group By A.Seq,A.CommentID )
Select A.R1  
      ,CommentText = Replicate(@Nest,A.Lvl-1) + C.CommentText
      -- Include any other fields from [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] alias C
 From cteR1 A 
 Join cteR2 B on A.CommentID=B.CommentID
 Join [dbo].[Blog_CommentDetails] C on A.CommentID=C.CommentID
 Order By A.R1


enter image description here

If @Top was set to 23 (for example), the return would be

enter image description here

I should add, cteR2 is not necessary, but it does indicate scope and/or Parent or Leaf level.

like image 110
John Cappelletti Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 02:09

John Cappelletti